保留带有贪婪令牌的 REGEX 定界符

Keep REGEX delimiter with greedy token


我正在 Java 中编写方程式计算器并使用 REGEX 来识别值,包括我在其中一个提要中发现的科学记数法(并略微采用),如下所示:


我遇到的问题是我想保留分隔值。我怎样才能做到这一点?我在 regex101.com 上玩过它,但是,当我使用向前看和向后看时,它会抱怨贪婪的令牌。

我在 Whosebug 上找到了其他几个 REGEX,但找不到一个保留分隔符的。



 * Holds onto and supplies the supplied split delimiter(s) to the split
 * array elements.<br><br>
 * <p>
 * This method creates a Regular Expression (RegEx) that is to be placed
 * within a String.split() method to acquire the desired array
 * content.<br><br>
 * @param inputString       (String) The string to split.<br>
 * @param delimiterPosition (Integer) A integer value of either 0, 1, or 2.
 *                          The specific value determines how the detected
 *                          delimiter types are placed within the array:<pre>
 *      0       Delimiter as separate element:
 *              a;b;c;d = [a, ;, b, ;, c, ;, d]
 *              Core regex is: .split("((?&lt;=;)|(?=;))")
 *              Lookahead and Lookbehind used.
 *      1       Delimiter at end of each element except last:
 *              a;b;c;d = [a;, b;, c;, d]
 *              Core regex is: .split("(?&lt;=;)")
 *              Lookahead used only.
 *      2       Delimiter at beginning of each element except first:
 *              a;b;c;d = [a, ;b, ;c, ;d]
 *              Core regex is: .split("(?=;)")
 *              Lookbehind used only.</pre><br>
 * If nothing is supplied then each character of the supplied input string
 * is split into the sting array.<br><br>
 * If any supplied delimiters or delimiter characters happen to be RegEx
 * Meta Characters such as: ( ) [ ] { { \ ^ $ | ? * + . &lt; &gt; - = ! for
 * example then those delimiters must be Escaped with a Double Backslash
 * (ie: "\+" ) when supplied otherwise an exception will occur.<br>
 * @param delimiters        (1D String Array or one to multiple comma
 *                          delimited String Entries) Any number of string
 *                          delimiters can be supplied as long as they are
 *                          separated with a comma (,).<br>
 * @return (String) The Regular Expression (RegEx) to be used within a
 *         String.split() method.
public static String[] SplitAndKeepDelimiters(String inputString, int delimiterPosition, String... delimiters) {
    if (delimiters.length < 1) {
        return inputString.split("");

    // build regex...
    String regEx = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < delimiters.length; i++) {
        switch (delimiterPosition) {
            case 0:
                regEx += regEx.isEmpty() ? "((?<=" + delimiters[i] + ")|(?=" + delimiters[i] + "))"
                        : "|((?<=" + delimiters[i] + ")|(?=" + delimiters[i] + "))";
            case 1:
                regEx += regEx.isEmpty() ? "(?<=" + delimiters[i] + ")"
                        : "|(?<=" + delimiters[i] + ")";
            case 2:
                regEx += regEx.isEmpty() ? "(?=" + delimiters[i] + ")"
                        : "|(?=" + delimiters[i] + ")";
    return inputString.split(regEx);





  • [\d.]+(?:E-?\d+)? 你的科学记数法模式
  • |
  • (?:非捕获组
    • (?![\d.]+(?:E-?\d+)?).负前瞻,当科学记数法不在正右时匹配单个字符
  • )+关闭非捕获组,并重复1+次以匹配至少一个字符

Regex demo | Java demo


String regex = "[\d.]+(?:E-?\d+)?|(?:(?![\d.]+(?:E-?\d+)?).)+";
String string = "cos(2123.324E3)*ln(e^x)+123.345E-6*sin(sin(sin(x)))";

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);

while (matcher.find()) {

