在所有 PowerPoint 幻灯片中使用 CommandButton1_KeyDown

Utilising CommandButton1_KeyDown across all PowerPoint Slides

我有 4 张幻灯片,每张幻灯片都有一个 ActiveX 标签。第一张幻灯片包含一个 ActiveX 命令按钮。

Private Sub CommandButton1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)

Set shpPoint = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes("TextBox 1")

If (KeyCode = vbKeyA) Then 
Point = Point + 1
shpPoint.TextFrame.TextRange = Point
End If

End Sub

此代码允许我捕获按键和 运行 相应的宏。要开始捕获按键,我必须先单击幻灯片 1 中的命令按钮。之后,代码就可以很好地完成它的工作。但是,如果我转到另一张幻灯片,代码将不起作用。按键捕获仅发生在幻灯片 1 中。我认为它与 Slide1

中存在的 Private Sub 有关

我在浏览幻灯片 1 到 4 时一直在复制相同的内容。我不想在每张幻灯片上都放置一个命令按钮。我希望在所有幻灯片和 运行 相应的宏中捕获 vbKeyA。


您的方法有效,因为当您第一次单击按钮时,它会获得焦点。只要按钮有焦点,就会触发 KeyDown 事件。一旦按钮失去焦点,事件将不再触发。更改幻灯片后,第一张幻灯片上的按钮将失去焦点。

@DanielDušek 提供的评论是明智的。使用这种方法,您需要一个控件来公开 KeyDown 事件以捕获它,不幸的是,您需要这样一个控件来始终获得焦点,因此每张幻灯片上都有一个。可以是 FrameTextBoxCommandButton

初步方法 - 你可以跳过这部分


  1. 在单击初始按钮时,我使用 Slide.Shapes.AddOLEObject ClassName:="Forms.CommandButton.1"
  2. 以编程方式在每张幻灯片上添加了一个透明按钮
  3. 我已经使用 AddOLEObject 返回的形状检索了每个按钮:Shape.OLEFormat.Object
  4. 我在包装器中添加了每个按钮 class 这样我就可以捕获 KeyDown 事件
  5. 我编辑了每个按钮(比如让它透明)
  6. 然后我将所有包装按钮添加到一个全局集合中,以便稍后删除它们。

我遇到了 2 个问题:

  1. 我无法以编程方式将焦点设置在透明按钮上(顺便说一句,幻灯片应用程序事件似乎没有正确触发 - 是的,我也有一个包装器 WithEvents 应用程序 class ).即使这有效,控件仍然会失去焦点,因此它不会太可靠
  2. 包裹的按钮似乎失去了状态(尽管全局集合有对每个按钮的引用),我以后无法删除它们



我没有依赖事件控件,而是连接到键盘本身。以下解决方案仅适用于 Windows(不适用于 Mac)。据我测试,它运行良好。

将以下代码放入标准模块中。称之为 KeyboardHook:

Option Explicit

'API declarations
#If Mac Then
    'No Mac functionality implemented
#Else 'Windows API functionality
    #If VBA7 Then
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As LongPtr, ByVal ncode As Long, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, lParam As Any) As LongPtr
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As LongPtr
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As LongPtr, ByVal hmod As LongPtr, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As LongPtr
        Private Declare PtrSafe Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As LongPtr) As Long
        Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Long, ByVal ncode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
        Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long
        Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
        Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
        Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
        Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
        Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
        Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
    #End If
#End If

'Id of the hook procedure to be installed with SetWindowsHookExA for KeyboardProc
Private Const WH_KEYBOARD As Long = 2

'Hook handle returned by SetWindowsHookEx. Used later in UnhookWindowsHookEx
#If VBA7 Then
    Private m_hHookKeyboard As LongPtr
    Private m_hHookKeyboard As Long
#End If

'Stored to check if presentation is still running via 'IsPresentationActive'
Private m_presentation As Presentation

Private Const REG_APP As String = "PP"
Private Const REG_SECTION As String = "KeyHook"
Private Const REG_KEY As String = "hHook"

Private Function IsPresentationActive() As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    IsPresentationActive = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.Active
    IsPresentationActive = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

'Hooks Keyboard messages
Public Sub HookKeyboard()
    UnHookKeyboard 'Remove previous hook
    Set m_presentation = ActivePresentation
    If Not IsPresentationActive Then Exit Sub
    Dim isHookSuccessful As Boolean
    #If Mac Then
        m_hHookKeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx(idHook:=WH_KEYBOARD _
                                         , lpfn:=AddressOf KeyboardProc _
                                         , hmod:=0 _
                                         , dwThreadId:=GetCurrentThreadId())
    #End If
    If m_hHookKeyboard <> 0 Then
        SaveSetting REG_APP, REG_SECTION, REG_KEY, m_hHookKeyboard
        Debug.Print "Keyboard hooked " & Now
    End If
End Sub

'UnHooks Keyboard
Public Sub UnHookKeyboard()
    If m_hHookKeyboard = 0 Then 'Try to restore if state was lost
        Dim savedHook As String
        savedHook = GetSetting(REG_APP, REG_SECTION, REG_KEY)
        If savedHook <> vbNullString Then
            #If VBA7 Then
                m_hHookKeyboard = CLngPtr(savedHook)
                m_hHookKeyboard = CLng(savedHook)
            #End If
        End If
    End If
    If m_hHookKeyboard <> 0 Then
        #If Mac Then
            UnhookWindowsHookEx m_hHookKeyboard
        #End If
        m_hHookKeyboard = 0
        DeleteSetting REG_APP, REG_SECTION, REG_KEY
        Debug.Print "Keyboard unhooked " & Now
    End If
End Sub

'Callback hook function - monitors keyboard messages
#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
Private Function KeyboardProc(ByVal ncode As Long _
                            , ByVal wParam As Long _
                            , ByVal lParam As Long) As LongPtr
Private Function KeyboardProc(ByVal ncode As Long _
                            , ByVal wParam As Long _
                            , ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
#End If
    Const HC_ACTION As Long = 0
    Const HC_NOREMOVE As Long = 3
    'WM_KEYUP/DOWN/CHAR HIWORD(lParam) flags
    Const KF_EXTENDED = &H100
    Const KF_DLGMODE = &H800
    Const KF_MENUMODE = &H1000
    Const KF_ALTDOWN = &H2000
    Const KF_REPEAT = &H4000
    Const KF_UP = &H8000
    If IsVBEActive Then GoTo Unhook 'Unhook if a VBE window is active (to avoid crashes)
    If Not IsPresentationActive Then GoTo Unhook
    If ncode = HC_ACTION Then
        If wParam = vbKeyA And (lParam And KF_UP) > 0 Then
            Debug.Print "A " & Now
            Debug.Print "Shift is down: " & IsShiftKeyDown()
            Debug.Print "Ctrl is down: " & IsControlKeyDown()
            KeyboardProc = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    KeyboardProc = CallNextHookEx(0, ncode, wParam, ByVal lParam)
Exit Function
    GoTo NextHook
End Function
#End If

'Get Shift/Control Key State
Private Function IsShiftKeyDown() As Boolean
    Const VK_SHIFT As Long = &H10
    IsShiftKeyDown = CBool(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) And &H8000) 'hi-order bit only
End Function
Private Function IsControlKeyDown() As Boolean
    Const VK_CONTROL As Long = &H11
    IsControlKeyDown = CBool(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) And &H8000)
End Function

'Returns the String Caption of a Window identified by a handle
#If VBA7 Then
    Private Function GetWindowCaption(ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As String
    Private Function GetWindowCaption(ByVal hwnd As Long) As String
#End If
    Dim bufferLength As Long: bufferLength = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd)
    GetWindowCaption = VBA.Space$(bufferLength)
    GetWindowText hwnd, GetWindowCaption, bufferLength + 1
End Function

'Checks if the ActiveWindow is a VBE Window
Private Function IsVBEActive() As Boolean
    #If Mac Then
    IsVBEActive = VBA.InStr(1, GetWindowCaption(GetActiveWindow()) _
        , "Microsoft Visual Basic", vbTextCompare) <> 0
    #End If
End Function

要开始跟踪按键,您需要做的就是在演示开始后调用 HookKeyboard 方法。您可以通过几种方式做到这一点。这里有 2 个:

  1. 按Alt+F8(Macro对话框)然后运行直接Macro
  2. 在第一张幻灯片上使用 ActiveX 按钮:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

重要! 我编写代码的方式是,只有在您调用它时演示文稿已经开始时它才会挂钩。此外,它会在演示结束时(按任意键)自动脱钩。如果您想在演示结束前停止挂钩,只需调用 UnHookKeyboard 方法即可。

目前,上面的代码只会在您按下 A 键时立即 Window 中显示一些信息:

您需要做的就是转到 KeyboardProc 方法并更改这些行:

Debug.Print "A " & Now
Debug.Print "Shift is down: " & IsShiftKeyDown()
Debug.Print "Ctrl is down: " & IsControlKeyDown()
