当我从处理程序访问 reitit 路由信息时避免循环依赖

avoid circular dependency when I access reitit route info from handler


(ns myapp.user.api
  (:require [reitit.core :as r]))

; define handlers here...

(def router
    [["/user" {:get {:name ::user-get-all
                     :handler get-all-users}}]
      {:post {:name ::user-post
              :handler user-post}}
      {:get {:name ::user-get
             :handler user-get}}]]))


(ns myapp.user-service
  (:require [myapp.user.api :as api]))

; how can I get access to the route properties inside here..?
(defn get-all-users [])
  (println (r/route-names api/router)))

当我尝试将路由器从 api 文件导入服务时,我遇到了循环依赖问题,因为 api 需要处理程序,它需要服务,所以服务可以然后不需要 api.



(ns demo.core
  (:use tupelo.core)
    [reitit.core :as r]
    [schema.core :as s]

(defn get-all-users [& args] (println :get-all-users))
(defn user-post [& args] (println :user-post))
(defn user-get [& args] (println :user-get))

; define handlers here...
(def router
     ["/dummy" :dummy]
     ["/user" {:get {:name ::user-get-all
                     :handler get-all-users}}]
      {:post {:name ::user-post
              :handler user-post}}
      {:get {:name ::user-get
             :handler user-get}}]


(ns tst.demo.core
  (:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
    [clojure.string :as str]
    [reitit.core :as r]

  (spyx-pretty (r/router-name router))
  (spyx-pretty (r/route-names router))
  (spyx-pretty (r/routes router))


*************** Running tests ***************
:reloading (demo.core tst.demo.core)

Testing _bootstrap

   Clojure 1.10.3    Java 15.0.2

Testing tst.demo.core
(r/router-name router) =>

(r/route-names router) =>

(r/routes router) =>
[["/dummy" {:name :dummy}]
   {:name :demo.core/user-get-all,
    #object[demo.core$get_all_users 0x235a3fc "demo.core$get_all_users@235a3fc"]}}]]

Ran 2 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

基于我的favorite template project

我使用六种通用方法来避免 clojure 中的循环依赖。它们都有不同的权衡,在某些情况下,一种比另一种更适合。我按从最喜欢到最不喜欢的顺序列出它们。


  1. 重构代码以将常用引用的变量移除到新的命名空间中,并从两个原始命名空间中获取该命名空间。通常这是最好和最简单的方法。但不能在这里完成,因为根处理程序 var 是一个包含来自其他命名空间的 var 的文字。

  2. 在运行时将依赖值传递给函数,以避免必须逐字要求命名空间。

(ns circular.a)

(defn make-handler [routes]
  (fn []
    (println routes)))
(ns circular.b
  (:require [circular.a :as a]))

(def routes
  {:handler (a/make-handler routes)})

;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
  1. 使用 multimethods 提供调度机制,然后从其他名称空间定义您的绑定。
(ns circular.a
  (:require [circular.b :as b]))

(defmethod b/handler :my-handler [_]
  (println b/routes))
(ns circular.b)

(defmulti handler identity)

(def routes
  {:handler #(handler :my-handler)})
(ns circular.core
  (:require [circular.b :as b]

            ;; now we bring in our handlers so as to define our method implementations
            [circular.a :as a]))

;; 'run' route to test
((:handler b/routes))
  1. 使用在运行时解析的 var 文字
(ns circular.a)

(defn handler []
  (println (var-get #'circular.b/routes)))
(ns circular.b
  (:require [circular.a :as a]))

(def routes
  {:handler a/handler})

;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
  1. 将代码移动到相同的命名空间。
(ns circular.a)

(declare routes)

(defn handler []
  (println routes))

(def routes
  {:handler handler})

;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
  1. 使用状态。在运行时将其中一个值存储在原子中。
(ns circular.a
  (:require [circular.c :as c]))

(defn handler []
  (println @c/routes))
(ns circular.b
  (:require [circular.a :as a]
            [circular.c :as c]))

(def routes
  {:handler a/handler})

(reset! c/routes routes)

((:handler routes))
(ns circular.c)

(defonce routes (atom nil))