
How is str.join(iterable) method implemented in Python/ Linear time string concatenation

我正在尝试在 Python 中实现我自己的 str.join 方法,例如: ''.join(['aa','bbb','cccc']) returns 'aabbbcccc'。我知道使用 join 方法的字符串连接会导致线性(结果的字符数)复杂性,我想知道如何做到这一点,因为在 for 循环中使用 '+' 运算符会导致二次复杂度,例如:

for word in ['aa','bbb','cccc']:
  res = res +  word

由于字符串是不可变的,因此每次迭代都会复制一个新字符串,从而导致二次 运行 时间。但是,我想知道如何在线性时间内完成或找到 ''.join 的工作原理。

我在任何地方都找不到线性时间算法,也找不到 str.join(iterable) 的实现。非常感谢任何帮助。

实际加入 str str 是一个转移注意力的问题,not what Python itself does: Python operates on mutable bytes, not the str, which also removes the need to know string internals. In specific, str.join converts its arguments to bytes, then pre-allocates and mutates its result


  1. encode/decode str 参数的包装器 to/from bytes
  2. 对元素和分隔符的len求和
  3. 分配一个可变的bytesarray来构造结果
  4. 将每个 element/separator 直接复制到结果中
# helper to convert to/from joinable bytes
def str_join(sep: "str", elements: "list[str]") -> "str":
    joined_bytes = bytes_join(
        [elem.encode() for elem in elements],
    return joined_bytes.decode()

# actual joining at bytes level
def bytes_join(sep: "bytes", elements: "list[bytes]") -> "bytes":
    # create a mutable buffer that is long enough to hold the result
    total_length = sum(len(elem) for elem in elements)
    total_length += (len(elements) - 1) * len(sep)
    result = bytearray(total_length)
    # copy all characters from the inputs to the result
    insert_idx = 0
    for elem in elements:
        result[insert_idx:insert_idx+len(elem)] = elem
        insert_idx += len(elem)
        if insert_idx < total_length:
            result[insert_idx:insert_idx+len(sep)] = sep
            insert_idx += len(sep)
    return bytes(result)

print(str_join(" ", ["Hello", "World!"]))

值得注意的是,虽然元素迭代和元素复制基本上是两个嵌套循环,但它们迭代不同的事物。该算法仍然仅触及每个 character/byte thrice/once.