使用 PyPDF2 将 PDF 与来自两个不同文件夹的特定名称相结合

Combine PDF's with specific names from two different folders using PyPDF2

我有两个文件夹,其中包含一组不同的 pdf。我知道第一个文件夹中具有特定名称的 PDF 需要与第二个文件夹中具有特定名称的 PDF 合并。例如,第一个文件夹中的“PID-01.pdf”需要与第二个文件夹中的“FNN-PID-01.pdf”、第一个文件夹中的“PID-02.pdf”组合需要与第二个文件夹中的“FNN-PID-02.pdf”组合,我有两个文件夹等等。我正在使用 python 模块 PyPDF2。谁能举个例子使用 PyPDF2



假设文件夹 1 包含 "PID-01.pdf",文件夹 2 包含 "FNN-PID-01.pdf".

import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader
folder1 = "/your/path/to/folder1/"
folder2 = "/your/path/to/folder2/"
merged_folder = "/your/path/to/merged/folder/"

f1_files = os.listdir(folder1) # ['PID-01.pdf','PID-02.pdf'...etc]
f2_files = os.listdir(folder2) # ['FNN-PID-01.pdf','FNN-PID-02.pdf'...etc]

def pdf_merger(f1,f2):
    merger = PdfFileMerger()
    f1_content = PdfFileReader(file(os.path.join(folder1,f1), 'rb'))
    f2_content = PdfFileReader(file(os.path.join(folder2,f2), 'rb'))
    out = os.path.join(merged_folder,f"merged-{f1}")

#below code will iterate each file in folder1 and checks if those               
#folder2 filename string "FNN-PID-01.pdf" contains substring "PID-01.pdf"
#if matchs, the 2 matching files are merged and saved to merged_folder

for file1 in f1_files : 
    for file2 in f2_files: 
        if file1 in file2: 



from PyPDF4 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
#from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter

def concatenate(pdf_out, *pdfs):
    # initialize a write instance
    pdf_w = PdfFileWriter()

    for pdf in pdfs:
        pdf_r = PdfFileReader(open(pdf, 'rb')) # pass a binary descriptor to the pdf reader

    with open(pdf_out, 'w') as fd:
        pdf_w.write(fd)     # write binary stream of data to destination

pdf1 = 'dir1/PID-01.pdf'
pdf2 = 'dir2/PID-01.pdf'
pdf_out = '?/?.pdf' # choose where to save the merged file

concatenate(pdf_out, pdf1, pdf2)
import os
# under the assumption the both folder have the same amount files
dir_1 = #
dir_2 = #
dir_target = #
counter = 1
for pdf1, pdf2 in zip(os.listdir(dir1), os.listdir(dir2)):
    pdf_new_path = os.path.join(dir_target, 'PID-PNN-{}.pdf'.format(counter)) # or choose another filename pattern

    concatenate(pdf_new_path, pdf1, pdf2)
    counter += 1


PyPDF2PyPDF4 几乎(?)向后兼容所以只需更改 import

函数是区分顺序的! pdf1 在最终文档中排在第一位然后 pdf2