这个嵌套 json 的 POJO 等价物是什么?

What is the POJO equivalent for this nested json?

Web 服务有一个 json 响应:

  "data": {
            "token": "e3a5776e-bf55-4bf8-a6e3-008c849089da"
  "error": null



public class Data{
    public String token;

public class MainObj{
    public Data data;
    public Object error;

类似的pojo实现还有很多。我喜欢对具有嵌套结构的 pojos 使用 inner 类。所以在这种情况下我们可以有以下实现

public class MyPojo {
    private DataPojo data;
    private String error;

    public static class DataPojo {
        private String token;

请注意,我使用 lombok 不手动编写 pojo 的 getter 和 setter:

Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java. Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, Automate your logging variables, and much more.