为递归变体编写 boost::variant 访问者

Composing boost::variant visitors for recursive variants

我有一个应用程序包含多个 boost::variants,它们共享许多字段。我希望能够将这些访问者组合成“更大”变体的访问者,而无需复制和粘贴一堆代码。对于非递归变体这样做似乎很简单,但是一旦你有了递归变体,访问者中的自引用(当然)会指向错误的 class。为了使这个具体(并抄袭 boost::variant 文档):

#include "boost/variant.hpp"
#include <iostream>

struct add;
struct sub;
template <typename OpTag> struct binop;

typedef boost::variant<
  , boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<add> >
  , boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<sub> >
  > expression;

template <typename OpTag>
struct binop
  expression left;
  expression right;

  binop( const expression & lhs, const expression & rhs )
    : left(lhs), right(rhs)


// Add multiplication
struct mult;
typedef boost::variant<
  , boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<add> >
  , boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<sub> >
  , boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<mult> >
  > mult_expression;

class calculator : public boost::static_visitor<int>

  int operator()(int value) const
    return value;

  int operator()(const binop<add> & binary) const
    return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
      + boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );

  int operator()(const binop<sub> & binary) const
    return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
      - boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );


class mult_calculator : public boost::static_visitor<int>

  int operator()(int value) const
    return value;

  int operator()(const binop<add> & binary) const
    return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
      + boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );

  int operator()(const binop<sub> & binary) const
    return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
      - boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );

  int operator()(const binop<mult> & binary) const
    return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
      * boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );


// I'd like something like this to compile
// class better_mult_calculator : public calculator
// {
// public:

//   int operator()(const binop<mult> & binary) const
//   {
//     return boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.left )
//       * boost::apply_visitor( *this, binary.right );
//   }

// };

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // result = ((7-3)+8) = 12
  expression result(binop<add>(binop<sub>(7,3), 8));

  assert( boost::apply_visitor(calculator(),result) == 12 );

  std::cout << "Success add" << std::endl;

  // result2 = ((7-3)+8)*2 = 12
  mult_expression result2(binop<mult>(binop<add>(binop<sub>(7,3), 8),2));
  assert( boost::apply_visitor(mult_calculator(),result2) == 24 );

  std::cout << "Success mult" << std::endl;

我真的很想像注释掉 better_mult_expression 的东西来编译(和工作),但它没有——因为基本​​计算器访问者中的 this 指针不引用 mult_expression, 但表达式.


首先,我建议变体包括所有可能的节点类型,而不区分 multexpression。这种区别在 AST 级别没有意义,仅在解析器阶段(如果您以 recursive/PEG 方式实现运算符优先级)。


  • 如果将 apply_visitor 调度封装到求值函子中,可以大大减少代码重复

  • 你真正的问题似乎不是关于组合变体,而是组合访问者,更具体地说,是通过继承。

    您可以使用 using 将继承的重载拉入范围以进行重载解析,因此这可能是最直接的答案:

    Live On Coliru

     struct better_mult_calculator : calculator {
         using calculator::operator();
         auto operator()(const binop<mult>& binary) const
             return boost::apply_visitor(*this, binary.left) *
                 boost::apply_visitor(*this, binary.right);


that listing 开始,让我们去除一些噪音!

  1. 去除不必要的AST区分(-40 lines, down to 55 lines of code)

  2. 概括操作; <functional> header 标配这些:

    namespace AST {
        template <typename> struct binop;
        using add  = binop<std::plus<>>;
        using sub  = binop<std::minus<>>;
        using mult = binop<std::multiplies<>>;
        using expr = boost::variant<int,
        template <typename> struct binop { expr left, right; };
    } // namespace AST


    struct calculator : boost::static_visitor<int> {
        int operator()(int value) const { return value; }
        template <typename Op> 
        int operator()(AST::binop<Op> const& binary) const {
            return Op{}(boost::apply_visitor(*this, binary.left),
                        boost::apply_visitor(*this, binary.right));


    Live Demo, 43行代码

  3. 就像我提到的开始,封装访问!

    struct Calculator {
        template <typename... T> int operator()(boost::variant<T...> const& v) const {
            return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v);
        template <typename T> 
        int operator()(T const& lit) const { return lit; }
        template <typename Op> 
        int operator()(AST::binop<Op> const& bin) const {
            return Op{}(operator()(bin.left), operator()(bin.right));


    Calculator calc;
    auto result1 = calc(e1);

    当您使用运算符或什至其他文字类型(例如 double)扩展变体时,它将起作用。它甚至可以工作,无论您是否向它传递一个包含节点类型子集的不兼容变体类型。

  4. 为了完成 maintainability/readability,我建议将 operator() 设为仅调度函数:


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <iostream>

namespace AST {
    using boost::recursive_wrapper;

    template <typename> struct binop;
    using add  = binop<std::plus<>>;
    using sub  = binop<std::minus<>>;
    using mult = binop<std::multiplies<>>;
    using expr = boost::variant<int,

    template <typename> struct binop { expr left, right; };
} // namespace AST

struct Calculator {
    auto operator()(auto const& v) const { return call(v); }

    template <typename... T> int call(boost::variant<T...> const& v) const {
        return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v);

    template <typename T> 
    int call(T const& lit) const { return lit; }

    template <typename Op> 
    int call(AST::binop<Op> const& bin) const {
        return Op{}(call(bin.left), call(bin.right));

int main()
    using namespace AST;
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    auto sub_expr = add{sub{7, 3}, 8};
    expr e1       = sub_expr;
    expr e2       = mult{sub_expr, 2};

    Calculator calc;

    auto result1 = calc(e1);
    std::cout << "result1:  " << result1 << " Success? " << (12 == result1) << "\n";

    // result2 = ((7-3)+8)*2 = 12
    auto result2 = calc(e2);
    std::cout << "result2:  " << result2 << " Success? " << (24 == result2) << "\n";


result1:  12 Success? true
result2:  24 Success? true