"function call" 的词源是什么?

What is the etymology of "function call"?

为什么“函数调用”这样命名? “呼叫”这个词是从电信来的吗?第一次使用“函数调用”或“方法调用”组合词时?

我知道函数调用是什么,difference between calling, invoking, applying, and executing a function

我对编程上下文中的“调用”一词本身很感兴趣。这个问题类似于 one about URL "slug".


来自跨站回答:Where did the notion of 'calling' a function come from?

The word call goes back at least to Fortran, the first widely used programming language. In Fortran, CALL is a keyword that passes control to a subroutine. It's not clear why John Backus chose that word to invoke subroutines -- you may need to read one or more biographies of Backus to discover that -- but it seems likely that the use in Fortran is the reason that we use the word call today with respect to functions, methods, etc.

Note that the use of call with respect to functions and other subroutines also fits well with several English-language definitions of call:

  • to make a brief visit
  • to demand something
  • to rouse from sleep
  • to invite

并且来自 comment to the mentioned answer

David Wheeler's 1952 ACM paper The use of sub-routines in programmes describes the concept, and I'd bet the use of the term "call" evolved between then and the appearance of CALL and RETURN in FORTRAN II in 1958, if it wasn't used in the paper itself.