检查图像是否加载了 Kotlin/JS for React

Check if an image is loaded with Kotlin/JS for React


import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
import react.RBuilder
private var imageForLoad: HTMLElement? = null
override fun RBuilder.render() {
    styledDiv {
        css { +Style.div }
        styledImg {
            css { +Style.img }
            ref { imageForLoad = it as? HTMLElement }
    imageForLoad?.setAttribute("src", remoteResourceURL)
    // how to determine here if an image has already been loaded from a remote source?

如何确定图片是否已加载并显示在浏览器中? 我在 JavaScript 部分查看了类似的问题,但没有找到在使用 Kotlin/JS.




import kotlinx.html.js.onLoadFunction
styledImg {
    css { +Style.img }
    ref { imageForLoad = it as? HTMLElement }
    attrs {
        onLoadFunction = { // invoked when the image has loaded 
imageForLoad?.setAttribute("src", remoteResourceURL)