如何在从模板创建 RStudio 项目期间 运行 闪亮应用程序?
How to run Shiny app during RStudio project creation from template?
我正在创建一个自定义 RStudio 项目模板,详见 here。
我已准备好创建新项目的所有工作,而且我还让 Shiny 应用程序自行运行。
但是,我现在想同步 运行 应用程序,相当于我在上面网页中的 hello_world()
我可以围绕我的 Shiny 应用程序编写包装函数,这些函数在通过 RStudio 菜单从模板创建新项目的上下文之外按需要工作,但在创建新项目的上下文中,就好像运行 该应用程序不存在,因为没有应用程序出现,并且没有发出任何消息、警告或错误。
# function works as expected outside context of creating a new project
run_app <- function() {
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(shiny::titlePanel("New Project"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
session$onSessionEnded(function() {
shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server,
options = list(launch.browser = TRUE))
# but nothing Shiny related happens if called within the new project creation function
# the new project creation process continues as if the call to start the app is not present
hello_world <- function(path, ...) {
Normally when this function is used at the R console, the Shiny app object is automatically passed to the print() function, which runs the app. If this is called in the middle of a function, the value will not be passed to print() and the app will not be run. To make the app run, pass the app object to print() or runApp().
因此,一个解决方案是将函数调用包装在 print()
hello_world <- function(path, ...) {
我正在创建一个自定义 RStudio 项目模板,详见 here。
我已准备好创建新项目的所有工作,而且我还让 Shiny 应用程序自行运行。
但是,我现在想同步 运行 应用程序,相当于我在上面网页中的 hello_world()
我可以围绕我的 Shiny 应用程序编写包装函数,这些函数在通过 RStudio 菜单从模板创建新项目的上下文之外按需要工作,但在创建新项目的上下文中,就好像运行 该应用程序不存在,因为没有应用程序出现,并且没有发出任何消息、警告或错误。
# function works as expected outside context of creating a new project
run_app <- function() {
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(shiny::titlePanel("New Project"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
session$onSessionEnded(function() {
shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server,
options = list(launch.browser = TRUE))
# but nothing Shiny related happens if called within the new project creation function
# the new project creation process continues as if the call to start the app is not present
hello_world <- function(path, ...) {
Normally when this function is used at the R console, the Shiny app object is automatically passed to the print() function, which runs the app. If this is called in the middle of a function, the value will not be passed to print() and the app will not be run. To make the app run, pass the app object to print() or runApp().
因此,一个解决方案是将函数调用包装在 print()
hello_world <- function(path, ...) {