用 Beautifulsoup 替换 p 标签的内容

Replace contents of p tag with Beautifulsoup

我 运行 遇到替换内容的问题,当 html 包含类似以下内容时会出现问题:

    <p>Next, go to your <strong>/home/pi</strong> directory and check if you can see the picture</p>

我想做的是替换 p 标签的内容,同时丢弃任何其他样式或内部标签。在此示例中,这意味着强标签将不再是新字符串的一部分。

但是,我发现不可能完全替换 p 标签的内容。我用谷歌搜索了我的 problem/errors,但没能想出一个可行的例子。

这是我的代码和我尝试过的测试 运行,有些会抛出错误,有些则什么都不做。您可以取消引用其中任何一个以自行测试,但结果已附加在评论中。

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

src = "<p>Next, go to your <strong>/home/pi</strong> directory and check if you can see the picture</p>"

soup=BeautifulSoup(src, "lxml")

for element in soup.findAll():
    if element.name == 'p':
        #= <p>Next, go to your <strong>/home/pi</strong> directory and check if you can see the picture</p>
        #= Next, go to your /home/pi/ directory and check if you can see the picture
        #= ['Next, go to your ', <strong>/home/pi</strong>, ' directory and check if you can see the picture']

        # -- test 1:
        # element.string.replace_with("First, go to your /home/pi directory")
        # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace_with'

        # -- test 2:
        # element.replace("First, go to your /home/pi directory")
        # TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

        # -- test 3:
        # new_tag = soup.new_tag('li')
        # new_tag.string = "First, go to your /home/pi directory"
        # element.replace_with(new_tag)
        # print(element)
        # not replaced

        # -- test 4:
        # element.text.replace(str(element), "First, go to your /home/pi directory")
        # print(element)
        # not replaced

        # -- test 5:
        # element.text.replace(element.text, "First go to your /home/pi/ directory")
        # print(element)
        # not replaced

        # -- test 6:
        new_tag = soup.new_tag('li')
        new_tag.string = "First, go to your /home/pi directory"
        # not replaced

        # -- test 7:
        # element.replace_with("First, go to your /home/pi directory")
        # print(element)
        # not replaced

我怀疑问题是由于 element.contents 包含多项。但是,element.text 为我提供了处理字符串和替换它所需的内容,我不关心内部的任何样式。

作为最后的手段,我将接受 str.replace 格式 html 中的元素,但如果可能的话,我宁愿在 BeautifulSoup 中处理它。


https://www.tutorialfor.com/questions-59179.htm https://beautiful-soup-4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#modifying-the-tree https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#making-the-soup https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#replace-with https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#method-names

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace_with'

我认为您可以简单地用 = 声明 element.string。无需使用 .replace()

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

src = "<p>Next, go to your <strong>/home/pi</strong> directory and check if you can see the picture</p>"

soup=BeautifulSoup(src, "html.parser")
print ('Original: %s' %soup)

for element in soup.findAll():
    if element.name == 'p':
        element.string = "First, go to your /home/pi directory"

print('Altered: %s' %soup)


Original: <p>Next, go to your <strong>/home/pi</strong> directory and check if you can see the picture</p>
Altered: <p>First, go to your /home/pi directory</p>