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\textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Dart \textbullet{} Test \ 
\location{Familiar / Studying:}
\textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \




  • \location 未定义。您必须定义它或不使用它。忽略错误消息不是一种选择

  • 在此特定文档中未定义类 \paragraph。您必须定义它或不使用它。忽略错误消息不是一种选择

  • 如果您未提供所需信息,则不得使用 \makecvtitle。特别是空地址会导致错误消息。忽略错误消息不是一种选择

  • 要删除小节中的虚线,您可以使用 \renewcommand*{\subsectionrule}{}

  • 序言中的 \vspace*{-12mm} 没有任何用处

% possible options include font size ('10pt', '11pt' and '12pt'), paper size ('a4paper', 'letterpaper', 'a5paper', 'legalpaper', 'executivepaper' and 'landscape') and font family ('sans' and 'roman')
% modern themes
% color options 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'purple', 'grey' and 'black'




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\address{12 somestreet}{3456 somecity}


\begin{tabular}{ c c c c }
 \faEnvelopeO\enspace \href{}{\underline{}} & \faGithub\enspace \href{}{\underline{test-name}} & \faMobile\enspace 12345678900 & \faLinkedinSquare\enspace \href{}{\underline{test-test}} \

{\customcventry{1 Jan 1011}{Position}{University}{10 CGPA}{}{}}

{\customcventry{1 Jan 1011}{Position}{University}{10 CGPA}{}{}}


{\customcvproject{Test name}{1 Jan 1011}
    \item Test
    \item Reverse engineered obfuscated Java using a decompiler and reflection

{\customcvproject{Test name}{1 Jan 1011}
    \item Test
    \item Reverse engineered obfuscated Java using a decompiler and reflection

{\customcvproject{Test name}{1 Jan 1011}
    \item Test
    \item Reverse engineered obfuscated Java using a decompiler and reflection


{\customcventry{Jan 1011}{Position}{Company}{US}{}
  \item Designed and built the first version of infrastructure code base which  teams’ monthly expenses on AWS servers by 100 thousand dollars.

{\customcventry{Jan 1011}{Position}{Company}{US}{}
  \item Designed and built the first version of infrastructure code base which  teams’ monthly expenses on AWS servers by 100 thousand dollars.

{\customcventry{Jan 1011}{Position}{Company}{US}{}
  \item Designed and built the first version of infrastructure code base which  teams’ monthly expenses on AWS servers by 100 thousand dollars.

{\customcventry{Jan 1011}{Position}{Company}{US}{}
  \item Designed and built the first version of infrastructure code base which  teams’ monthly expenses on AWS servers by 100 thousand dollars.

\textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Dart \textbullet{} Test \ 
\location{Familiar / Studying:}
\textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \
\subsection{Spoken \& Written}
\location{Fluent:} \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \
\location{Learning:} \textbullet{} Test \
\textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \textbullet{} Test \
\subsection{Software / Version Control}
\textbullet{} Test \


          \item Test
          \item Test
          \item Test
          \item Test
          \item Test
          \item Test
          \item Test
