使用 MVVM 将新项目添加到 TabControl 的 ItemSource 时选择最后一个 TabItem

Selecting the last TabItem when new items are added to a TabControl's ItemSource using MVVM

我通过将 ItemsSource 绑定到 MyUnicornsViewModel 创建了一个动态生成的 TabControl

随着新项目添加到 MyUnicornsViewModel... 创建了新的选项卡项目。但是,TabControl 中不会自动选择新添加的选项卡。


<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyUnicornsViewModel}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}">
        <!-- header template -->
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
        <!-- body template-->
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}" />

起初,我希望 TabControl 中有“ItemsChanged”或“ItemAdded”事件,这样我就可以在添加新项目时在代码隐藏中设置 SelectedIndex。

我尝试的另一件事是将 TabControl.SelectedItem 绑定到 MyUnicornsViewModel 中的 SelectedItem 属性。可悲的是,这也没有用。


public class MyUnicornsViewModel : ObservableCollection<UnicornViewModel>

    private void AddNewUnicorn()
        var awesomeUnicorn = new UnicornViewModel();
        SelectedItem = awesomeUnicorn;  //I expected my TabControl to have 'awesomeUnicorn' selected.

    public UnicornViewModel SelectedItem { get; set; }


  1. ObservableCollection 推导出“视图模型”很奇怪。一个视图模型应该包含一个可观察的集合。
  2. 视图模型需要实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口;从提供的代码中不清楚 UnicornViewModel 是否实现了此接口,但是,MyUnicornsViewModel 绝对没有。


  1. 实现 INotifyPropertyChanged 接口的视图模型基础 class 将真正帮助您完成大部分工作。您可以使用 INotifyPropertyChanged documentation or look for an MVVM framework that fits well with your project (e.g. Prism, MVVM Light, ReactiveUI) 编写自己的代码。其中每一个都将提供一个基础 class 用于视图模型 - BindableBaseViewModelBaseReactiveObject 分别用于上述每个框架。
  2. MyUnicornsViewModel 应该有:
    • 独角兽合集ObservableCollection;这将绑定到 TabControl.
    • 上的 ItemsSource 属性
    • SelectedItem 属性 必须在设置时触发 PropertyChanged 事件。

这是一个使用 Prism 的快速示例:

public sealed class UnicornViewModel : BindableBase
    public UnicornViewModel(string name, string content)
        Name = name;
        Content = content;

    // these properties don't change and therefore don't need to raise property changed
    public string Name { get; }

    public string Content { get; }

public sealed class UnicornsViewModel : BindableBase
    private UnicornViewModel _selectedUnicorn;

    public UnicornsViewModel()
        AddUnicornCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddUnicorn);
        ClearUnicornsCommand = new DelegateCommand(ClearUnicorns, () => HasUnicorns).ObservesProperty(() => HasUnicorns);

    public ObservableCollection<UnicornViewModel> Unicorns { get; } = new ObservableCollection<UnicornViewModel>();

    public UnicornViewModel SelectedUnicorn
        get => _selectedUnicorn;
        set => SetProperty(ref _selectedUnicorn, value, () => RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(HasUnicorns)));

    public DelegateCommand AddUnicornCommand { get; }
    public DelegateCommand ClearUnicornsCommand { get; }
    private bool HasUnicorns => Unicorns.Any(); // helper property for the clear command's can execute

    private void AddUnicorn()
        Unicorns.Add(new UnicornViewModel($"Unicorn {Unicorns.Count + 1}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
        SelectedUnicorn = Unicorns.Last();

    private void ClearUnicorns()
        SelectedUnicorn = null;