垂直切片架构 - Controller、Command/Query、Response、CommandHandler 中应该有什么?

Vertical Slice Architecture - What should in the Controller, Command/Query, Response, CommandHandler?



- Controllers [Based on Request Method, GET, POST, PUT, calls appropriate service method]
  - ProductsController.php
- Data
  - DAL [Data Access Layer - Specific Read / Write Queries]
      - Products
  - Mapper [Maps parameter array to object]
      - ProductsMapper.php
  - Model [Contains classes matching table structure]
      - Product.php
  - Service [Business Logic]
      - ProductsService.php
  - Provider [Database Connection Class]
      - Database.php


Out with the Onion, in With The Vertical Slices

- Features
  - Products
    - AddFavoriteProduct
      - AddFavoriteProductController.php
      - AddFavoriteProductCommand.php
      - AddFavoriteProductResponse.php
      - AddFavoriteProductCommandHandler.php
      - AddFavoriteProductContainer.js
      - AddFavoriteProduct.js
      - AddFavoriteProduct.css
    - GetProductList
      - GetProductListController.php
      - GetProductListQuery.php
      - GetProductListResponse.php
      - GetProductListCommandHandler.php
      - GetProductListContainer.js
      - GetProductList.js
      - GetProductList.css



Controller - 处理请求并调用 command/query,或者这是 CommandHandler?

Command/Query - 这有 insert/update 命令或数据库查询,在我的例子中,将通过像 Doctrine[= 这样的对象关系映射框架来促进14=]

Response - Returns 给用户想要的信息,或者命令状态结果作为 JSON

CommandHandler - 不清楚这里有什么...


The problem I face is what do I delegate to each of these four files.


  • 您希望经常一起变化的东西靠在一起(即:两个想法在同一个源文件中,因为它们在逻辑上和时间上是耦合的)。
  • 您希望具有不同依赖关系的事物位于不同的文件中。

要审阅的重要论文是Parnas 1971

We propose instead that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others.

例如,您的 Controller 可能知道关于 HTTP 和您正在使用的 Web 框架的所有信息。但它可能不知道您的域模型、数据库连接或事务边界。
