python 中大整数的 Base 10 到 Base 2 转换

Base 10 to Base 2 Conversion with large integers in python

我正在 python 中开发数字转换器,发现很难将大的十进制值(大于 2^53)从十进制正确转换为二进制。我做了很多随机测试来找到断点,但我不确定它为什么会断。我认为 Python 3 允许任意大的数字。我可能会丢失一些在 str 和 int 值之间转换的数据。谢谢您的帮助。这是我使用的代码:

# @param: num is an integer >= 0 
# @return: A string containing the converted binary value of num 
def base10to2(num):
    if(not bool(re.match(decimals, str(num)))):
        return "num must be a decimal number string [0-9]."
    if(int(num) <= 1):
        return num
    binaryValue = ''
    decimalRemainder = int(num)
    while decimalRemainder > 0:
        binaryValue = str(decimalRemainder % 2) + binaryValue
        decimalRemainder = math.floor(decimalRemainder / 2)    
    return binaryValue


error bin <--> dec at decimal value 57578088768095921 and binary value 11001100100011101111011101110111110111100100011010110000. 11001100 10001110 11110111 01110111 11011110 01000110 10110001 should be 11001100 10001110 11110111 01110111 11011110 01000110 10110000

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 94158773465990610 and binary value 101001110100001001110011111010100111011010100010111010000. 101001110100001001110011111010100111011010100010111010010 should be 101001110100001001110011111010100111011010100010111010000

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 27741136442133437 and binary value 1100010100011100110101010100111010011001000101110111100. 1100010100011100110101010100111010011001000101110111100 should be 1100010100011100110101010100111010011001000101110111101

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 102400897160966081 and binary value 101101011110011010001001011001011111101011110111111000000. 101101011110011010001001011001011111101011110111111000000 should be 101101011110011010001001011001011111101011110111111000001

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 61449679276206615 and binary value 11011010010100000010100001100000110100011110101000011000. 11011010010100000010100001100000110100011110101000011000 should be 11011010010100000010100001100000110100011110101000010111

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 32630026885393859 and binary value 1110011111011001101011000101001100000111110110111000100. 111 0011 1110 1100 1101 0110 0010 1001 1000 0011 1110 1101 1100 0100 should be 0011 1110 1100 1101 0110 0010 1001 1000 0011 1110 1101 1100 0011

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 28823706477206651 and binary value 1100110011001110000001000100001101011110001110001111100. 1100110 01100111 00000010 00100001 10101111 00011100 01111100 should be 1100110 01100111 00000010 00100001 10101111 00011100 01111011

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 32300284354028835 and binary value 1110010110000001110111111111111000100001110010100100100. 1110010 11000000 11101111 11111111 00010000 11100101 00100100 should be 1110010 11000000 11101111 11111111 00010000 11100101 00100011

error bin <--> dec at decimal value 15026178163056103 and binary value 110101011000100011101010111011101111011001110111101001. 110101 01100010 00111010 10111011 10111101 10011101 11101001 should be 110101 01100010 00111010 10111011 10111101 10011101 11100111

在这些情况下似乎只有最后 4 位不正确。

这是我拥有的从基数 2 转换为基数 10 的过程(以防万一这是相关的)。

# @param: num is binary whole number
# @return: A string containing the converted decimal value of num
def base2to10(num):
    if(not bool(re.match(binary, str(num)))):
        return "num must be a binary number string [0-1]."
    digits = []
    placeValue = 1
    decimalValue = 0
    digits = list(num)
    for i in range(len(digits)):
        decimalValue += placeValue * int(digits[len(digits) - i - 1])
        placeValue *= 2
    return decimalValue


decimalRemainder = math.floor(decimalRemainder / 2)



decimalRemainder = decimalRemainder // 2


有了这个改变,base10to2(94158773465990610) 得到 '101001110100001001110011111010100111011010100010111010010',这是正确的。

另见 built-in bin function