当只能通过遍历发现数据结构时,如何使用 Python 枚举有向无环图结构中的所有路径?

How do I enumerate all paths in a Directed Acyclic Graph structure using Python, when the data structure can only be discovered via traversal?


  1. 为了自己研究这个问题,我真的很努力。我看过 this or this 之类的解决方案,但 所有这些解决方案都假设您在内存中拥有整个数据结构
  2. 这是一些实用的东西,不是家庭作业或工作面试问题。我试图想出一个解决方案,但一直无法解决,尽管我知道这在理论上是可行的。
  3. 细节:我正在使用 python/Selenium 遍历 Twine 文件,但是 我展示的是通用伪代码接口 因为这些细节对于解决问题并不重要这个问题,只是为了证明我需要遍历路径才能发现它。

所以,我有一个包含大约 150 个节点的有向无环图。有一个起始节点和多个结束节点。


class TheGraphToTraverse:

    def get_the_first_node(self):

    def get_the_list_of_edges_from_the_current_node(self):
        Returns list of links/edges that can be followed

    def follow_this_edge(self, edge):
        Follow an edge link to its destination node

    def go_back_one_step(self):
        Navigate back one step

    def go_back_to_the_start_node(self):
        Start over from the beginning node

    def is_this_node_an_end_node(self):
        Is the current node an end node with no further edges to traverse?

我将如何调整(递归或非递归)算法,如 these 但不需要将图形本身传递给递归函数:

data = {1 : [2,3],   # Directed acyclic graph adjacency list
        2 : [3],
        3 : [4,5],
        4 : [5]}

def dfs(data, path, paths = []):   
    datum = path[-1]              
    if datum in data:
        for val in data[datum]:
            new_path = path + [val]
            paths = dfs(data, new_path, paths)
        paths += [path]
    return paths



    list_of_all_paths = []
    g = TheGraphToTraverse()
    first_node = g.get_the_first_node()
    list_of_all_paths = dfs(g, first_node, list_of_all_paths)

    def dfs(g: TheGraphToTraverse, path, all_paths):

        # check for end state
        if g.is_this_node_an_end_node:
            all_paths += [path]
            # I recognize I'm not sure how to store 
            # the previous edges I've stored for this path
            all_paths = dfs(g, path, all_paths)
            edges = g.get_the_list_of_edges_from_the_current_node()
            # how do I know which of these I've already tried?
            # how do I know if this is a list of 
            # edges I've already tried?
            for edge in edges:
                all_paths = dfs(g, path, all_paths)
        return all_paths

任何帮助或改编的算法,即使它不在 Python 中或不是递归的都可以。非常感谢您参与其中。



def dfs(g: TheGraphToTraverse, current_path=()):
    '''Depth first search on an unbuilt graph. ``current_path`` is a tuple of edges, forming a single traversal path.

    Returns an iterator of tuples of edges.
    if g.is_this_node_an_end_node():
        yield current_path
        edges = g.get_the_list_of_edges_from_the_current_node()
        for edge in edges:
            # A "sandwich" of graph traversal management with the recursion in between.
            # This ensures that every follow_this_edge is paired with a go_back_one_step.
            yield from dfs(g, current_path + (edge,))

g = TheGraphToTraverse()
list_of_all_paths = list(dfs(g))  # type: list[tuple[edge_type, ...]]


def get_edges_from(node):
    # examine the current node to determine where we can go.
    # returns a list of graph edges to follow.
    # If the logic for following an edge requires the current node,
    # then include that information in the 'edge' representation.

def get_node(edge):
    # follow an edge and return the node at the other end.


def dfs(data, path, paths = []):   
    datum = path[-1]              
    if datum in data:
        for val in data[datum]:
            new_path = path + [val]
            paths = dfs(data, new_path, paths)
        paths += [path]
    return paths

这里,data是图的表示,它允许一种简单的方法直接查找后继节点:data[datum]datum 是我们递归中的“当前”节点(我们不需要任何工具来从外部跟踪它,因为它隐含在递归过程中;我们不需要“返回”的方法,因为递归也处理)。我们已经将该过程抽象为在节点上运行的全局函数,因此我们不需要将其传入。相反,我们只需替换查找。

另外,我们不需要特殊的方式来告诉我们节点是否是叶子;我们只是检查我们是否真的从那里递归。现有代码检查 if datum in data: 来执行此操作(如果结构包含后继节点的空列表,这将导致错误)。我们将在本地使用标志逻辑。

最后,我想清理 returnpaths 值的逻辑,因为它已经被变异以存储整体结果。我还删除了默认值,因为可变默认值 are bad.


def dfs(path, paths):   
    current_node = path[-1]
    is_leaf = True
    for edge in get_edges_from(current_node):
        new_path = path + [get_node(edge)]
        dfs(data, new_path, paths)
        is_leaf = False
    if is_leaf:


def dfs_from(root):
    paths = []
    dfs([root], paths) # populates the `paths` list
    return paths
