如何在 KeyedStream 中获取插槽分布

How to get the slot distribution in a KeyedStream

我使用的是 flink 版本 1.13.0.


所以我想知道当我使用keyBy函数时会分配给哪个slot,有没有一些分区算法可以通过key计算出slot id?

这需要几个步骤。键映射到键组,键组分配给槽。您将在 org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KeyGroupRangeAssignment 中找到所有相关代码。开始 here:

  * Assigns the given key to a parallel operator index.
  * @param key the key to assign
  * @param maxParallelism the maximum supported parallelism, aka the number of key-groups.
  * @param parallelism the current parallelism of the operator
  * @return the index of the parallel operator to which the given key should be routed.

public static int assignKeyToParallelOperator(Object key, int maxParallelism, int parallelism) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "Assigned key must not be null!");
    return computeOperatorIndexForKeyGroup(
            maxParallelism, parallelism, assignToKeyGroup(key, maxParallelism));