使用 AWS cloudformation 模板创建标准 AWS Cloudwatch 警报

Creating a standard AWS Cloudwatch alarm using AWS cloudformation template

假设我正在为一家杂货店开发应用程序。我们都知道杂货店里有数百种杂货。现在,我的要求是使用 AWS Cloudformation 模板 (CFT) 创建 AWS Cloudwatch 警报。

早些时候假设我们的杂货店里只有大米和小麦,因此我们在 CFT 中创建了单独的警报资源。一个例子:

    "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
    "Description": "AWS cloudwatch Grocery",
    "Parameters": {
        "Email": {
            "Type": "String",
            "Description": "Email address to notify when alarm is triggered",
            "Default": "email@email.com"
    "Resources": {
        "AlarmNotificationTopic": {
            "Type": "AWS::SNS::Topic",
            "Properties": {
                "Subscription": [
                        "Endpoint": {
                            "Ref": "Email"
                        "Protocol": "email"
        "RiceQuantityLowAlarm": {
            "Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm",
            "Properties": {
                "AlarmName": "RiceQuantityLowAlarm",
                "AlarmDescription": "Alarm which gets triggered when Rice quantity is low",
                "AlarmActions": [
                        "Ref": "AlarmNotificationTopicTest"
                "MetricName": "Quantity",
                "Namespace": "Grocery",
                "Dimensions": [
                        "Name": "Item",
                        "Value": "Rice"
                "ComparisonOperator": "LessThanOrEqualToThreshold",
                "EvaluationPeriods": "10",
                "Period": "360",
                "Statistic": "Sum",
                "Threshold": "1",
                "TreatMissingData": "notBreaching"
        "WheatQuantityLowAlarm": {
            "Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm",
            "Properties": {
                "AlarmName": "WheatQuantityLowAlarm",
                "AlarmDescription": "Alarm which gets triggered when Wheat quantity is low",
                "AlarmActions": [
                        "Ref": "AlarmNotificationTopicTest"
                "MetricName": "Quantity",
                "Namespace": "Grocery",
                "Dimensions": [
                        "Name": "Item",
                        "Value": "Wheat"
                "ComparisonOperator": "LessThanOrEqualToThreshold",
                "EvaluationPeriods": "10",
                "Period": "360",
                "Statistic": "Sum",
                "Threshold": "1",
                "TreatMissingData": "notBreaching"

现在假设我想在我的杂货店中添加更多商品,并且我不想仅限于大米和小麦。在这种情况下,假设我想在我的杂货店中添加 5 种新商品。因此,如果我采用上述方法,我将在 CFT 中创建 5 个新的单独的 cloudwatch 警报资源,并且在任何新项目出现时都会这样做。但我不想那样做,因为我很懒。

有什么办法可以使 CFT 资源标准化?你可以看到在 CFT cloudwatch 警报资源中只有上面的名称不同(rice/wheat),其余的都是两者之间的共同点。

这对于纯 CloudFormation 来说是不可能的。模板是声明性的,您不能使用循环等代码结构来生成资源。以下列表概述了一些方法(排名不分先后),您可以使模板更加动态或能够重用代码:

  1. 使用 nested stack 减少要管理的代码量
  2. 编写一个 custom resource 接受项目列表并使用使用 sdk
  3. 的代码维护警报
  4. 使用 SparkleFormation or troposphere
  5. 等第三方库以 scripting/programming 语言生成模板
  6. 使用不同的 IaC 工具,例如 Terraform (allows some programming-like constructs and more flexible than CF) or the AWS CDK(用各种语言编写实际代码,编译成 CloudFormation 模板)

每一个都有自己的优点和缺点,并且都比 ctrl/cmd+c 涉及更多的工作, ctrl/cmd+v所以做决定的时候要记住这一点!