Core Foundation 对象是由 ARC 自动释放的还是我们需要手动内存管理?

Does the Core Foundation objects are automatically released by ARC or do we need manual memory management?

在我的代码中创建了一个 Core Foundation 对象,并且从苹果文档中我了解到

"The life span of a Core Foundation object is determined by its reference count"



我正在使用 Xcode 6.4,目前在我的代码中没有使用任何 CFRelease(myobject) 来释放我的 Core Foundation 对象,但我仍然做不到在 xcode 仪器中找到任何 内存泄漏(泄漏)..

所以我的问题是 ARC 是否会负责释放 Core Foundation 对象..??


Recall that ARC only deals with Objective-C objects. It doesn’t manage the retain and release of CoreFoundation objects which are not Objective-C objects.



您必须调用 CFRelease 来释放 Core Foundation 对象。

The compiler does not automatically manage the lifetimes of Core Foundation objects; you must call CFRetain and CFRelease.

或者您可以使用 __bridge_transferCFBridgingRelease 将 Core Foundation 对象的所有权移动到 Objective-C ARC 对象所有权之下。

  • __bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease moves a non-Objective-C pointer to Objective-C and also transfers ownership to ARC.
    • ARC is responsible for relinquishing ownership of the object.

所以在下面的情况下,NSString* __strong name 变量拥有 Core Foundation 对象的所有权。当 name = nil;name 变量范围结束时,Core Foundation 对象自动释放。

NSString *name = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty));

NSString *name = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);