在不同尺寸的 inkcanvas 之间复制墨迹笔划

Copying ink strokes between inkcanvas with different sizes

我正在尝试在不同的 inkcanvas 之间复制笔迹。


    ///Getting strokes from the first inkcanvas
    public StrokeCollection MyStrokes;
    MyStrokes = BigInkCanvas.Strokes;

    ///Trying to restore the strokes on the other inkcanvas
    SmallerInkCanvas.Strokes = MyStrokes



有没有办法“调整”墨迹笔划,使其适合较小的 inkcanvas

您可以对其应用变换矩阵以缩放到新的 canvas' 边界矩形。

假设您有一个 500x250 像素 canvas。并且您希望缩放到 400x150 矩阵。

该变换在 x 轴上为 100px,在 y 轴上为 100px。

如果我们认为这是一个比例尺,它会小 20% 和 60%。

如果我们将其转换为矩阵,那么我们应该能够将该矩阵应用于笔划以缩放它们 using their PointTransform property.(UWP) or it's .Transform() method (WPF)

(float x, float y) originalCanvas = (500f, 250f);
(float x, float y) desiredCanvas = (400f, 150f);

(float xScale, float yScale) GetScale((float x, float y) originalSize, (float x, float y) desiredSize)
    float xScale = (originalSize.x - desiredSize.x) / originalSize.x;

    float yScale = (originalSize.y - desiredSize.y) / originalSize.y;

    return (1f - xScale, 1f - yScale);

var scale = GetScale(originalCanvas, desiredCanvas);
// Should return (0.8, 0.6)

// uwp
var matrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale.xScale, scale.yScale, new Vector2(0, 0));
// Wpf
var matrix = Matrix.Identity.Scale(scale.xScale, scale.yScale);

// Transform the strokes
foreach(var stroke in MyStrokes)
    // Uwp
    stroke.PointTransform = matrix;

    // Wpf
    stroke.Transform(matrix, false);

SmallerInkCanvas.Strokes = MyStrokes
