多次将 Perlin 噪声应用于平面/球体

Applying Perlin noise to plane multiple times/ sphere

我对 Perlin 噪声和一般 pv.sample_function 有一些疑问。

  1. 你会如何将 Perlin 噪声应用于球体?我想要一个有点变形的球体。
  2. 你能多次对一个网格 (sphere/plane) 应用 Perlin 噪声吗?我想要一架飞机,上面有一些粗糙的 'waves' 和高细节噪声(因此有大波浪和小波浪)。
  3. 频率中的第三个参数到底是做什么的?在尝试了一些值之后,我没有注意到它是如何影响噪音的。

这是我想应用于一个平面的两种不同的 frequencies/Perlin 噪声。此外,它显示了他们分别创建的平面。

def smooth_and_plot(sampled : pv.core.grid.UniformGrid):
    mesh = sampled.warp_by_scalar('scalars')
    mesh = mesh.extract_surface()

    # clean and smooth a little to reduce perlin noise artifacts
    mesh = mesh.smooth(n_iter=100, inplace=True, relaxation_factor=0.07)

def gravel_plane():
    freq = [180, 180, 50]
    noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.2, freq, (0, 0, 0))
    sampled = pv.sample_function(noise,
                                 bounds=(-10, 2, -10, 10, -10, 10),
                                 dim=(500, 500, 1))


def bumpy_plane():
    freq = [0.5, 0.7, 0]
    noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.5, freq, (-10, -10, -10))
    sampled = pv.sample_function(noise,
                                 bounds=(-10, 2, -10, 10, -10, 10),
                                 dim=(500, 500, 1))



  1. What exactly does the third parameter in the frequency do? After playing around with some values I haven't noticed how it affected the noise.

您没有看到效果,因为您查看的是二维样本,并更改​​了沿第三轴的行为。这三个频率分别指定噪声沿 x、y 和 z 轴的粒度。换句话说,生成的隐函数是三个变量的标量函数。只是你的采样把维度降到了2。


因此,当您开始沿 z 轴切片时,您将看到第三个频率的效果:

import pyvista as pv

freq = [0.5, 0.5, 2]
noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.5, freq, (0, 0, 0))
noise_cube = pv.sample_function(noise,
                                bounds=(-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10),
                                dim=(200, 200, 200))
noise_cube.slice_orthogonal(-9, -9, -9).plot()

如你所见,xy平面中的斑点是圆形的,因为两个平面内频率相等。但是在两个垂直平面上,斑点都被拉长了:它们在 z 方向上更平坦。这是因为沿 z 轴的频率大四倍,导致波长小四倍。这将导致随机斑点具有大致 4:1 纵横比。

  1. Can you apply Perlin noise to a mesh (sphere/plane) multiple times? I would like to have a plane with some rough 'waves' and high detailed noise on top of them (thus having big waves with little waves in them).


def bumpy_gravel_plane():
    bounds = (-10, 2, -10, 10, -10, 10)
    dim = (500, 500, 1)

    freq = [180, 180, 50]
    noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.2, freq, (0, 0, 0))
    sampled_gravel = pv.sample_function(noise, bounds=bounds, dim=dim)

    freq = [0.5, 0.7, 0]
    noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.5, freq, (-10, -10, -10))
    sampled_bumps = pv.sample_function(noise, bounds=bounds, dim=dim)

    sampled = sampled_gravel
    sampled['scalars'] += sampled_bumps['scalars']


  1. How would you go about applying Perlin noise to a sphere? I would like to have a little bit disformed sphere.

生成 2d 纹理并将其应用到球体的常用解决方案在这里不起作用,因为噪声不是周期性的,因此您不能像那样轻易关闭它。但仔细想想,生成的 Perlin 噪声是一个 3d 函数。您可以直接在您的球体上对这个 3d 函数进行采样!

有一个小问题:我认为仅使用 pyvista 无法做到这一点。我们必须稍微弄脏我们的手,我的意思是使用裸露的 vtk 方法(即噪音的 EvaluateFunction())。生成您的球体,然后在其点上查询您选择的噪声函数。如果您希望结果看起来对称,则必须沿所有三个笛卡尔轴设置相同的频率:

def bumpy_sphere(R=10):
    freq = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
    noise = pv.perlin_noise(0.5, freq, (0, 0, 0))
    sampled = pv.Sphere(radius=R, phi_resolution=100, theta_resolution=100)
    # query the noise at each point manually
    sampled['scalars'] = [noise.EvaluateFunction(point) for point in sampled.points]
