
Why keyword `match` in Python 3.10 can be as a variable or function name?

我不完全理解为什么关键字 match 可以用作变量或函数名称,而不像其他关键字 ifwhile 等?

>>> match "abc":
...     case "abc":
...         print('Hello!')
>>> from re import match
>>> match('A', 'A Something A')
<re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='A'>
>>> match = '????'
>>> match
>>> case = 'something'
>>> case

根据 PEP 622, match and case are being added as "soft keywords",因此它们将保持有效标识符:

This PEP is fully backwards compatible: the match and case keywords are proposed to be (and stay!) soft keywords, so their use as variable, function, class, module or attribute names is not impeded at all.