std::span 迭代器能否比创建它们的 span 对象更长寿?

Can std::span iterators outlive the span object they are created from?

换句话说,反过来说,std::span 迭代器在 span 实例被销毁后是否失效?

我有一个矢量需要用不同的布局进行迭代。我正在尝试使用 std::span 来避免编写大量迭代器样板文件或引入外部库依赖项。简化示例:

#include <iostream>
#include <span>
#include <vector>

template <size_t N>
struct my_view {
  std::vector<int> vec;

  auto as_span() {
    return std::span<int[N]>((int(*)[N]), vec.size() / N);

  auto begin() {
    return as_span().begin();

  auto end() {
    return as_span().end();

int main() {
  std::vector vec {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
  my_view<2> pairs {std::move(vec)};
  for (auto pair : pairs) {
    std::cout << pair[0] << " " << pair[1] << std::endl;
  my_view<3> triplets {std::move(pairs.vec)};
  for (auto triplet : triplets) {
    std::cout << triplet[0] << " " << triplet[1] << " " << triplet[2] << std::endl;
  return 0;


Can std::span iterators outlive the span object they are created from?


Are std::span iterators invalidated after the span instance is destroyed?


这就是为什么您在 [span.syn] 中看到:

template<class ElementType, size_t Extent>
  inline constexpr bool ranges::enable_borrowed_range<span<ElementType, Extent>> = true;


Given an expression E such that decltype((E)) is T, T models borrowed_­range only if the validity of iterators obtained from the object denoted by E is not tied to the lifetime of that object.

[Note 2: Since the validity of iterators is not tied to the lifetime of an object whose type models borrowed_­range, a function can accept arguments of such a type by value and return iterators obtained from it without danger of dangling. — end note]

如果 span 的迭代器绑定到 span 的生命周期,这样做是无效的——span 必须是非借用的(例如,vector<T> 显然不是借来的)。

gsl::span 的迭代器用于保留指向 span 的指针(这显然会导致迭代器失效),但已更改为 in Feb 2020(我没有查看评论以找到那里的讨论,但那个符合标准行为)。