文本和 TouchableOpacity 文本未出现在直线中

Text and TouchableOpacity text not appearing in straight line


<Text style={{fontSize:10,textAlign:'center',}}>By clicking Sign up, you agree to Company's <TouchableOpacity ><Text style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>Terms of Service</Text></TouchableOpacity> and <TouchableOpacity><Text style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>Privacy Policy.</Text></TouchableOpacity></Text>  

不需要 touchableopacity 因为 TextonPress prop.

<Text style={{fontSize:10,textAlign:'center'}}>

    By clicking Sign up, you agree to Companys 

      onPress={() => alert("Terms of Service is clicked")} 
      style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>
      Terms of Service


      onPress={() => alert("Privacy Policy is clicked")} 
      style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>
      Privacy Policy.
