.Net Core 相当于 $(date +%s%N)

.Net Core equivalent to $(date +%s%N)

当我 运行 这个 Linux shell 命令 $(date +%s%N) 我得到: 1628718908367130365

我希望能够在我的 .Net Core 3.1 应用程序中获得这个值。


但其中 none 个是相同的。 Ticks 选项在精度上似乎最接近,但并不相同。

是否可以使用 .Net Core 获取此日期值?

您的 linux 命令为您提供纳秒精度。一个刻度为 100 纳秒。 (参见:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.ticks?view=net-5.0#remarks)。

如果您真的需要纳秒精度,我认为标准库不可能实现(参见:Is there a high resolution (microsecond, nanosecond) DateTime object available for the CLR?)。

您真的需要纳秒级的精度,还是只需要生成具有纳秒级值的结构?如果是后者,您可以乘以 100,就像 Microsoft 示例中的那样:

DateTime centuryBegin = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1);
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

long elapsedTicks = currentDate.Ticks - centuryBegin.Ticks;
TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(elapsedTicks);

Console.WriteLine("Elapsed from the beginning of the century to {0:f}:",
Console.WriteLine("   {0:N0} nanoseconds", elapsedTicks * 100);
Console.WriteLine("   {0:N0} ticks", elapsedTicks);
Console.WriteLine("   {0:N2} seconds", elapsedSpan.TotalSeconds);
Console.WriteLine("   {0:N2} minutes", elapsedSpan.TotalMinutes);
Console.WriteLine("   {0:N0} days, {1} hours, {2} minutes, {3} seconds",
                  elapsedSpan.Days, elapsedSpan.Hours,
                  elapsedSpan.Minutes, elapsedSpan.Seconds);

// This example displays an output similar to the following:
// Elapsed from the beginning of the century to Thursday, 14 November 2019 18:21:
//    595,448,498,171,000,000 nanoseconds
//    5,954,484,981,710,000 ticks
//    595,448,498.17 seconds
//    9,924,141.64 minutes
//    6,891 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes, 38 seconds

此外,刻度以 2000 年 1 月 1 日为起点,而 Unix 时间以 1970 年 1 月 1 日为起点。你必须考虑到这一点。举例说明:

using System;
public class Program

    public static void Main()
        // provided Unix string = "1628718908367130365";
        // the above, converted via https://www.unixtimestamp.com/index.php, returns the following:
        // Wed Aug 11 2021 21:55:08 GMT+0000 (to the seconds), plus:
        // milliseconds: 367
        // microseconds: 130
        // nanoseconds: 365
        Console.WriteLine($"provided unix timestamp:              1628718908367130365");
        var testDateTime = new DateTime(2021, 08, 11, 21, 55, 08, 367); // millisecond precision
        var testDto = new DateTimeOffset(testDateTime);
        var asUnixTime = testDto.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
        Console.WriteLine($"unix time with milli precision:       {asUnixTime}");
        Console.WriteLine($"unix time with nano (fake) precision: {asUnixTime * 1000 * 1000}");
        var asTicks = testDateTime.Ticks;
        Console.WriteLine($"ticks since microsoft epoch:          {asTicks}");
        var unixEpoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        TimeSpan span = testDateTime - unixEpoch;
        Console.WriteLine($"ticks since unix epoch:               {span.Ticks}");
        Console.WriteLine($"times 100 for unix-like format:       {span.Ticks * 100}");


provided unix timestamp: 1628718908367130365

unix time with milli precision: 1628718908367

unix time with nano (fake) precision: 1628718908367000000

ticks since microsoft epoch: 637643157083670000

ticks since unix epoch: 16287189083670000

times 100 for unix-like format: 1628718908367000000

参见: https://dotnetfiddle.net/fEdprI

阅读 this blog 和 Jonathan 的回答后。我可以为您找到更好的解决方案。

但是我想到了一个可行的方案,execute linux command in .net core,也许对你有用