不同类型色谱柱的 wilcox 测试和 fisher 测试

wilcox test and fisher test to different types of columns


  list.group <-list(list(id = 2, type = "num"), list(id = 3, type = "num"), 
        list(id = 4, type = "cat"), list(id = 5, type = "cat"))

我有一个函数,其中对类型为“num”的列有 2 个测试(wilcox 测试和 fisher 测试),我希望执行 wilcox 测试,对于类型“cat”,fisher 测试是执行。


w = unlist(list.group, recursive = TRUE)
w.length = length(w)
col.id   = w[seq(1,w.length,2)]
col.type = w[seq(2,w.length,2)]
col.id    = as.integer(col.id)
col.type = as.character(col.type)


combination <- list(c(3,24),c(3,14))
wilcox.fun <- function(df, id_group){
  df = df[df$GROUP%in%id_group,]
 x <- function(dat) { 
  do.call(rbind, lapply(combination, function(x) {
       test <- wilcox.test(dat[[x[1]]], dat[[x[2]]])}
       test1 <- fisher.test(dat[[x[1]]], dat[[x[2]]])}
    data.frame(Test = sprintf('Group %s by Group %s Group',x[1],x[2]), 
               #W = round(test$statistic,4), 
               p = test$p.value,
               p1 = test1$p.value,
               nmat = table(dat[[x[1]]]),
               nmat1 = round((prop.table(table(dat[[x[1]]]), 1) * 100), 1),
 return (purrr::map_df(split(df, df$GROUP),x,.id="GROUP" ))


data <- structure(list(GROUP = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L), 
    col1 = c(23L, 432L, 234L, 234L, 3123L, 657L, 8768L, 123L, 
    42323L), col2 = c(567L, 765L, 8678L, 46L, 35L, 24L, 76L, 
    789L, 45L), col3 = c(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 8L, 0L, 8L, 7L, 3L), 
    col4 = c("S", "S", "S", "S", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

您可以检查函数中传递的列的 class,而不是使用单独的向量(col.idcol.type)。如果 lapply 中的两列都是数字,我们将进行 wilcox 检验或 fisher 检验。

此外,我认为数据框中的 table(...)prop.table(table(...)) 不会起作用,因为创建的数据框是 1 行数据框,而 table 的输出长度 > 1.除此之外 table(dat[[x[1]]])table(dat[[x[2]]]) 也可以有不同长度的输出,这会在构建数据帧时产生问题。

wilcox.fun <- function(df, id_group){
  df = df[df$GROUP%in%id_group,]
  x <- function(dat) { 
    do.call(rbind, lapply(combination, function(x) {
      col1 <- dat[[x[1]]]
      col2 <- dat[[x[2]]]
      if(is.numeric(col1) && is.numeric(col2)) test <- wilcox.test(col1, col2)
      else  test <- fisher.test(col1, col2)
      data.frame(Test = sprintf('Group %s by Group %s Group',x[1],x[2]), 
                 #W = round(test$statistic,4), 
                 p = test$p.value
  return (purrr::map_df(split(df, df$GROUP),x,.id="GROUP" ))

wilcox.fun(data, c(1, 2))

如果要显式传递col.type,它应该与combination具有相同的结构,然后您可以使用Map -

col_type_list <- list(col.type[1:2], col.type[3:4])

wilcox.fun <- function(df, id_group){
  df = df[df$GROUP%in%id_group,]
  x <- function(dat) { 
    do.call(rbind, Map(function(x, y) {
      col1 <- dat[[x[1]]]
      col2 <- dat[[x[2]]]
      if(all(y == 'num')) test <- wilcox.test(col1, col2)
      else  test <- fisher.test(col1, col2)
      data.frame(Test = sprintf('Group %s by Group %s Group',x[1],x[2]), 
                 #W = round(test$statistic,4), 
                 p = test$p.value
    }, combination, col_type_list))
  return (purrr::map_df(split(df, df$GROUP),x,.id="GROUP" ))