
What's the best way to end a loop inside a coroutine function after time?

这是我的第一个问题,我想一切都清楚了 -

协程 (UnityC#) 中的循环运行不正确,或者我做错了什么!检查代码注释...

bool loop=true;
bool once=false;   

IEnumerator Fun()
    while (loop)
        //those 3 lines must be repeated for the whole 2.5 seconds,am I right! but it only run once so why?
        carRb.drag += .005f;
        if (!once)          //last rep. line
            once = true;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.5f); 
            loop = false;
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f); //will run this line after 2.5s        
    Debug.Log("Loop2: "+loop);      //will run this line and whats below after (2.5+2s) 
    carRb.drag = 25f;
    carController.canControl = false;
    Destroyed = true; 


bool loop=true;
bool once=false;

IEnumerator Fun()
    float time=0;
    while (loop)
        //those 3 lines must be repeated for the whole 2.5 seconds,am I right! but it only run once so why?
        carRb.drag += .005f;
        yield return null;  // wait each update call
        if (time>2.5f)          //last rep. line
            once = true;
            loop = false;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f); //will run this line after 2.5s
    Debug.Log("Loop2: "+loop);      //will run this line and whats below after (2.5+2s)
    carRb.drag = 25f;
    carController.canControl = false;
    Destroyed = true;


  1. WaitForSeconds 在单独的盒子或类似的东西中不起作用 所以

  2. 它会阻止整个代码继续,直到时间结束,这意味着即使我们在关闭循环之前等待(设置 loop=false),我们仍将处于第一次迭代中。 结束循环的最好方法是使用一个数值变量,每帧增加它并检查它是否达到我们想要的时间然后 break

感谢@user3315036 和@Absinthe

Code will be like:

IEnumerator Fun(){
    float time=0;

        carRb.drag += .005f;
        yield return null;

    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f); //will run this line after 2.5s        
    Debug.Log("2: ");      //will run this line and whats below after (2.5+2s) 
    carRb.drag = 25f;
    carController.canControl = false;
    Destroyed = true; 
