google 助理说 "sorry, it looks like the camera doesn't support streaming to remote screens"

google assistant saying "sorry, it looks like the camera doesn't support streaming to remote screens"

我正在尝试将我的相机与 google 流媒体助手集成,同步后,我请求 google 助手“播放 大厅摄像机 office TV”所以我可以向我的 webhook 执行命令,但我没有收到任何执行命令 的说“抱歉,大厅摄像头似乎不支持流式传输到远程屏幕


    "payload": {
        "agentUserId": "USER3103",
        "devices": [
                "traits": [
                "willReportState": false,
                "name": {
                    "name": "hall camera"
                "attributes": {
                    "cameraStreamNeedAuthToken": true,
                    "cameraStreamSupportedProtocols": [
                    "cameraStreamNeedDrmEncryption": false
                "id": "210XXXXXXXX",
                "type": "action.devices.types.CAMERA",
                "deviceInfo": {
                    "swVersion": "0.0.0",
                    "model": "11010",
                    "manufacturer": "WIFICAMERA",
                    "hwVersion": "HD_1.2.3"
    "requestId": "ff36a3cc-ec34-11e6-b1a0-64510650abcf"

远程屏幕不支持 webrtc 协议,例如 Chromecast

在上面的例子中,cameraStreamSupportedProtocols 只是 webrtc,这就是它说

"Sorry, it looks like the camera doesn't support streaming to remote screens"

其他协议也可以正常工作,例如 hlsprogressive_mp4 等...