如何将白平衡系数应用于 RAW 图像以进行 sRGB 输出

How to apply white balance coefficents to RAW image for sRGB output

我想将 RAW 图像数据 (RGGB) 转换为 sRGB 图像。有很多专门的方法可以做到这一点,但为了首先了解基础知识,我已经实现了一些简单的算法,比如通过降低分辨率进行去拜耳化。 我当前的管道是:

问题是,如果我跳过白平衡系数乘法(或只是将它们替换为 1.0),输出图像看起来已经可以接受了。如果我应用系数(取自 DNG 中的 AsShot),输出会有很大的色偏。而且我不确定我是否必须乘以 coef1/coef.

第一张图片是 wb_coefs 设置为 1.0 的管道结果。





macro_rules! max {
  ($x: expr) => ($x);
  ($x: expr, $($z: expr),+) => {{
      let y = max!($($z),*);
      if $x > y {
      } else {

macro_rules! min {
  ($x: expr) => ($x);
  ($x: expr, $($z: expr),+) => {{
      let y = min!($($z),*);
      if $x < y {
      } else {

/// sRGB D65
const XYZD65_TO_SRGB: [[f32; 3]; 4] = [
  [3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314],
  [-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560],
  [0.0556434, -0.2040259, 1.0572252],
  [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],

// buf: RAW image data
fn to_srgb(buf: &Vec<u16>, width: usize, height: usize) {
  let w = width / 2;
  let h = height / 2;

  let blacklevel: [u16; 4] = [511, 511, 511, 511];
  let whitelevel: [u16; 4] = [12735, 12735, 12735, 12735];

  let xyz2cam_d65: [[i32; 3]; 4] = [[6722, -635, -963], [-4287, 12460, 2028], [-908, 2162, 5668], [0, 0, 0]];
  let cam2xyz = convert_matrix::<4>(xyz2cam_d65);
  eprintln!("CAM_TO_XYZ: {:?}", cam2xyz);

  // from DNG
  // As Shot Neutral: 0.518481 1 0.545842
  //let wb_coef = [1.0/0.518481, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0/0.545842];
  //let wb_coef = [0.518481, 1.0, 1.0, 0.545842];
  let wb_coef = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

  // b/w level correction, rescale, debayer
  let mut rgb = vec![0.0_f32; width / 2 * height / 2 * 3];
  for row in 0..h {
    for col in 0..w {
      let r0 = buf[(row * 2 + 0) * width + (col * 2) + 0];
      let g0 = buf[(row * 2 + 0) * width + (col * 2) + 1];
      let g1 = buf[(row * 2 + 1) * width + (col * 2) + 0];
      let b0 = buf[(row * 2 + 1) * width + (col * 2) + 1];
      let r0 = ((r0.saturating_sub(blacklevel[0])) as f32 / (whitelevel[0] - blacklevel[0]) as f32) * wb_coef[0];
      let g0 = ((g0.saturating_sub(blacklevel[1])) as f32 / (whitelevel[1] - blacklevel[1]) as f32) * wb_coef[1];
      let g1 = ((g1.saturating_sub(blacklevel[2])) as f32 / (whitelevel[2] - blacklevel[2]) as f32) * wb_coef[2];
      let b0 = ((b0.saturating_sub(blacklevel[3])) as f32 / (whitelevel[3] - blacklevel[3]) as f32) * wb_coef[3];
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] = r0;
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] = (g0 + g1) / 2.0;
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] = b0;

  // Convert to XYZ by CAM_TO_XYZ from D65 illuminant
  let mut xyz = vec![0.0_f32; w * h * 3];
  for row in 0..h {
    for col in 0..w {
      let r = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0];
      let g = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1];
      let b = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2];
      xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] = cam2xyz[0][0] * r + cam2xyz[0][1] * g + cam2xyz[0][2] * b;
      xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] = cam2xyz[1][0] * r + cam2xyz[1][1] * g + cam2xyz[1][2] * b;
      xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] = cam2xyz[2][0] * r + cam2xyz[2][1] * g + cam2xyz[2][2] * b;

  // Track min/max value for rescaling/clipping
  let mut maxval = 1.0;
  let mut minval = 0.0;

  // Convert to sRGB from XYZ
  let mut srgb = vec![0.0; w * h * 3];
  for row in 0..h {
    for col in 0..w {
      let r = xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] as f32;
      let g = xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] as f32;
      let b = xyz[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] as f32;
      srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] = XYZD65_TO_SRGB[0][0] * r + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[0][1] * g + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[0][2] * b;
      srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] = XYZD65_TO_SRGB[1][0] * r + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[1][1] * g + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[1][2] * b;
      srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] = XYZD65_TO_SRGB[2][0] * r + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[2][1] * g + XYZD65_TO_SRGB[2][2] * b;
      let r = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0];
      let g = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1];
      let b = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2];
      maxval = max!(maxval, r, g, b);
      minval = min!(minval, r, g, b);

  gamma_corr(&mut srgb, w, h, 2.2);

  let mut output = vec![0_u16; w * h * 3];
  for row in 0..h {
    for col in 0..w {
      let r = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0];
      let g = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1];
      let b = srgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2];
      output[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] = (clip(r, minval, maxval) * (u16::MAX as f32)) as u16;
      output[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] = (clip(g, minval, maxval) * (u16::MAX as f32)) as u16;
      output[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] = (clip(b, minval, maxval) * (u16::MAX as f32)) as u16;

  let img = DynamicImage::ImageRgb16(ImageBuffer::from_raw(w as u32, h as u32, output).unwrap());
  img.save_with_format("/tmp/test.tif", image::ImageFormat::Tiff).unwrap();

fn pseudoinverse<const N: usize>(matrix: [[f32; 3]; N]) -> [[f32; 3]; N] {
  let mut result: [[f32; 3]; N] = [Default::default(); N];

  let mut work: [[f32; 6]; 3] = [Default::default(); 3];
  let mut num: f32 = 0.0;
  for i in 0..3 {
    for j in 0..6 {
      work[i][j] = if j == i + 3 { 1.0 } else { 0.0 };
    for j in 0..3 {
      for k in 0..N {
        work[i][j] += matrix[k][i] * matrix[k][j];
  for i in 0..3 {
    num = work[i][i];
    for j in 0..6 {
      work[i][j] /= num;
    for k in 0..3 {
      if k == i {
      num = work[k][i];
      for j in 0..6 {
        work[k][j] -= work[i][j] * num;
  for i in 0..N {
    for j in 0..3 {
      result[i][j] = 0.0;
      for k in 0..3 {
        result[i][j] += work[j][k + 3] * matrix[i][k];


fn convert_matrix<const N: usize>(adobe_xyz_to_cam: [[i32; 3]; N]) -> [[f32; N]; 3] {
  let mut xyz_to_cam: [[f32; 3]; N] = [[0.0; 3]; N];
  let mut cam_to_xyz: [[f32; N]; 3] = [[0.0; N]; 3];

  for i in 0..N {
    for j in 0..3 {
      xyz_to_cam[i][j] = adobe_xyz_to_cam[i][j] as f32 / 10000.0;
  eprintln!("XYZ_TO_CAM: {:?}", xyz_to_cam);
  let inverse = pseudoinverse::<N>(xyz_to_cam);
  for i in 0..3 {
    for j in 0..N {
      cam_to_xyz[i][j] = inverse[j][i];

fn clip(v: f32, minval: f32, maxval: f32) -> f32 {
  (v + minval.abs()) / (maxval + minval.abs())

// https://kosinix.github.io/raster/docs/src/raster/filter.rs.html#339-359
fn gamma_corr(rgb: &mut Vec<f32>, w: usize, h: usize, gamma: f32) {
  for row in 0..h {
    for col in 0..w {
      let r = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0];
      let g = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1];
      let b = rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2];
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 0] = r.powf(1.0 / gamma);
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 1] = g.powf(1.0 / gamma);
      rgb[row * w * 3 + (col * 3) + 2] = b.powf(1.0 / gamma);

此示例的 DNG 可在以下位置找到:https://chaospixel.com/pub/misc/dng/sample.dng (~40 MiB)。

得到错误颜色的主要原因是我们必须将 rgb2cam 矩阵的行归一化为 1,如下面 guide.


根据DNG spec

ColorMatrix1 defines a transformation matrix that converts XYZ values to reference camera native color space values, under the first calibration illuminant.


  • 反向 ColorMatrix,从“相机 RGB”转换为 XYZ。
    将 XYZ 转换为 sRGB 后,结果为 颜色平衡 sRGB。
  • rgb2cam的行归一化为1,中和了while平衡系数,只保留“颜色校正矩阵”(数学有点复杂)。
  • 在不对行进行标准化的情况下,我们将 while 平衡乘数缩放两次:
  1. 平衡 D65 输入的 ColorMatrix 缩放系数。
  2. 取自 AsShotNatural 的比例系数平衡场景光源的输入(场景光源接近 D65)。



  • whitelevel - blacklevel 并按白平衡倍数缩放。


  • 将处理应用于图像的小块,并将这些块放在一起(我们无法跟踪全局最小值和最大值)。
  • 将处理应用到整个图像。

我想你必须跟踪缩放的最大值 whitelevel - blacklevel,只有当白平衡乘数小于 1
当所有乘数都为 1 或以上时,我们可以将结果裁剪为 1.0,而不跟踪最大值。

  • 缩小和跟踪最大值可能有优势,但我不知道这个主题。
    在我的解决方案中,我们只是乘以上限(1.0 以上),然后裁剪结果。

解决方案基于 Processing RAW Images in MATLAB 指南。

我发布了 MATLAB 实现和 Python 实现(但没有 Rust 实现)。

第一步是使用 dcraw 命令行从 sample.dng 中提取原始拜耳图像:

dcraw -4 -D -T sample.dng  

将 tiff 输出重命名为 sample__lin_bayer.tif


  • 通过 blacklevelwhitelevel 重新缩放 uint16 输入数据(从所有像素中减去 blacklevel 并缩放 whitelevel - blacklevel)。
  • 应用白平衡缩放系数。
    缩放系数等于 1./AsShotNatural.
    假设:最小缩放比例为 1.0,其他比例高于 1.0(我们除以最小缩放比例以确保)。
  • 将缩放后的结果裁剪为 [0, 1](由于 demosaic 实施限制,需要裁剪)。
  • 使用 MATLAB demosaic 函数或 Python 中的 cv2.cvtColor 去马赛克 (Debayer)。
  • 计算rgb2cam矩阵:rgb2cam = ColorMatrix * rgb2xyz.
    rgb2xyz 矩阵取自 Bruce Lindbloom site.
  • 标准化 rgb2cam 矩阵的行,使每行的总和等于 1(每行除以该行的总和)。
  • 通过反转 rgb2cam 计算 cam2rgb 矩阵:cam2rgb = inv(rgb2cam).
    cam2rgb是“CCM矩阵”(Color Correction Matrix)。
  • 每个 RGB 元组左乘矩阵 cam2rgb(应用颜色校正)。
  • 应用伽玛校正(使用 sRGB 标准伽玛)。
  • 转换为uint8并保存为PNG格式(PNG格式用于SO网站发布)。


filename = 'sample__lin_bayer.tif'; % Output of: dcraw -4 -D -T sample.dng

% Exif information:
blacklevel = 511; % blacklevel = meta_info.SubIFDs{1}.BlackLevel(1);
whitelevel = 12735; % whitelevel = meta_info.SubIFDs{1}.WhiteLevel;
AsShotNeutral = [0.5185 1 0.5458];
ColorMatrix = [ 0.6722   -0.0635   -0.0963
               -0.4287    1.2460    0.2028
               -0.0908    0.2162    0.5668];
bayer_type = 'rggb';

% Constant matrix for converting sRGB to XYZ(D65):
% http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
rgb2xyz = [0.4124564  0.3575761  0.1804375
           0.2126729  0.7151522  0.0721750
           0.0193339  0.1191920  0.9503041];

% Read input image (Bayer mosaic alignment, pixels data type is uint16):
raw = imread(filename);

% "Linearizing":
% There is no LinearizationTable so we only have to subtract the black level.
% Convert from range [blacklevel, whitelevel] to range [0, 1].
lin_bayer = (double(raw) - blacklevel) / (whitelevel - blacklevel);
lin_bayer = max(0, min(lin_bayer, 1));

% The White Balance multipliers are 1./AsShotNeutral
wb_multipliers = 1./AsShotNeutral;
r_scale = wb_multipliers(1); % Assume value is above 1
g_scale = wb_multipliers(2); % Assume value = 1
b_scale = wb_multipliers(3); % Assume value is above 1

% Bayer alignment is RGGB:
% R G
% G B
% Apply white balancing to linear Bayer image.
balanced_bayer = lin_bayer;
balanced_bayer(1:2:end, 1:2:end) = balanced_bayer(1:2:end, 1:2:end)*r_scale; % Red   (indices [1, 3, 5,... ; 1, 3, 5,... ])
balanced_bayer(1:2:end, 2:2:end) = balanced_bayer(1:2:end, 2:2:end)*g_scale; % Green (indices [1, 3, 5,... ; 2, 4, 6,... ])
balanced_bayer(2:2:end, 1:2:end) = balanced_bayer(2:2:end, 1:2:end)*g_scale; % Green (indices [2, 4, 6,... ; 1, 3, 5,... ])
balanced_bayer(2:2:end, 2:2:end) = balanced_bayer(2:2:end, 2:2:end)*b_scale; % Blue  (indices [2, 4, 6,... ; 2, 4, 6,... ])

% Clip to range [0, 1] for avoiding "pinkish highlights" (avoiding "magenta cast" in the highlights).
balanced_bayer = min(balanced_bayer, 1);

% Demosaicing
temp = uint16(balanced_bayer*(2^16-1)); % Convert from double to uint16, because MATLAB demosaic() function requires a uint8 or uint16 input.
lin_rgb = double(demosaic(temp, bayer_type))/(2^16-1); % Apply Demosaicing and convert range back type double and range [0, 1].

% Color Space Conversion
xyz2cam = ColorMatrix; % ColorMatrix applies XYZ(D65) to CAM_rgb
rgb2cam = xyz2cam * rgb2xyz;

% Result:
% rgb2cam = [0.2619    0.1835    0.0252
%            0.0921    0.7620    0.2053
%            0.0195    0.1897    0.5379]

% Normalize rows to 1. MATLAB shortcut: rgb2cam = rgb2cam ./ repmat(sum(rgb2cam,2),1,3);

rows_sum = sum(rgb2cam, 2);
% Result:
% rows_sum = [0.4706
%             1.0593
%             0.7470]

% Divide element of every row by the sum of the row:
rgb2cam(1, :) = rgb2cam(1, :) / rows_sum(1); % Divide top row
rgb2cam(2, :) = rgb2cam(2, :) / rows_sum(2); % Divide center row
rgb2cam(3, :) = rgb2cam(3, :) / rows_sum(3); % Divide bottom row
% Result (sum of every row is 1):
% rgb2cam = [0.5566    0.3899    0.0535
%            0.0869    0.7193    0.1938
%            0.0261    0.2539    0.7200]

cam2rgb = inv(rgb2cam); % Invert matrix
% Result:
% cam2rgb = [ 1.9644   -1.1197    0.1553
%            -0.2412    1.6738   -0.4326
%             0.0139   -0.5498    1.5359]

R = lin_rgb(:, :, 1);
G = lin_rgb(:, :, 2);
B = lin_rgb(:, :, 3);

% Left multiply matrix cam2rgb by each RGB tuple (convert from "camera RGB" to "linear sRGB").
sR = cam2rgb(1,1)*R + cam2rgb(1,2)*G + cam2rgb(1,3)*B;
sG = cam2rgb(2,1)*R + cam2rgb(2,2)*G + cam2rgb(2,3)*B;
sB = cam2rgb(3,1)*R + cam2rgb(3,2)*G + cam2rgb(3,3)*B;

lin_srgb = cat(3, sR, sG, sB);
lin_srgb = max(min(lin_srgb, 1), 0); % Clip to range [0, 1]

% Convet from "Linear sRGB" to sRGB (apply gamma)
sRGB = lin2rgb(lin_srgb); % lin2rgb MATLAB functions uses the exact formula [you may approximate it to power of (1/gamma)].

% Show the result, and save to sRGB.png
imwrite(im2uint8(sRGB), 'sRGB.png');

% Inverting 3x3 matrix (some help of MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox):
% Assume:
% A = [ a11, a12, a13]
%     [ a21, a22, a23]
%     [ a31, a32, a33]
% 1. Compute determinant of A:
% detA = a11*a22*a33 - a11*a23*a32 - a12*a21*a33 + a12*a23*a31 + a13*a21*a32 - a13*a22*a31
% 2. Compute the inverse of the matrix A:
% invA = [  (a22*a33 - a23*a32)/detA, -(a12*a33 - a13*a32)/detA,  (a12*a23 - a13*a22)/detA
%          -(a21*a33 - a23*a31)/detA,  (a11*a33 - a13*a31)/detA, -(a11*a23 - a13*a21)/detA
%           (a21*a32 - a22*a31)/detA, -(a11*a32 - a12*a31)/detA,  (a11*a22 - a12*a21)/detA]

Python 实施:

import numpy as np
import cv2

def lin2rgb(im):
    """ Convert im from "Linear sRGB" to sRGB - apply Gamma. """
    # sRGB standard applies gamma = 2.4, Break Point = 0.00304 (and computed Slope = 12.92)    
    g = 2.4
    bp = 0.00304
    inv_g = 1/g
    sls = 1 / (g/(bp**(inv_g - 1)) - g*bp + bp)
    fs = g*sls / (bp**(inv_g - 1))
    co = fs*bp**(inv_g) - sls*bp

    srgb = im.copy()
    srgb[im <= bp] = sls * im[im <= bp]
    srgb[im > bp] = np.power(fs*im[im > bp], inv_g) - co
    return srgb

filename = 'sample__lin_bayer.tif'  # Output of: dcraw -4 -D -T sample.dng

# Exif information:
blacklevel = 511
whitelevel = 12735
AsShotNeutral = np.array([0.5185, 1, 0.5458])
ColorMatrix = np.array([[ 0.6722, -0.0635, -0.0963],
                        [-0.4287,  1.2460,  0.2028],
                        [-0.0908,  0.2162,  0.5668]])
# bayer_type = 'rggb'

# Constant matrix for converting sRGB to XYZ(D65):
# http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
rgb2xyz = np.array([[0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375],
                    [0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750],
                    [0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041]])

# Read input image (Bayer mosaic alignement, pixeles data type is np.uint16):
raw = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# "Linearizing":
# There is no LinearizationTable so we only have to subtract the black level.
# Convert from range [blacklevel, whitelevel] to range [0, 1] (convert type to np.float64).
lin_bayer = (raw.astype(np.float64) - blacklevel) / (whitelevel - blacklevel)
lin_bayer = lin_bayer.clip(0, 1)

# The White Balance multipliers are 1./AsShotNeutral
wb_multipliers = 1 / AsShotNeutral
r_scale = wb_multipliers[0]  # Assume value is above 1
g_scale = wb_multipliers[1]  # Assume value = 1
b_scale = wb_multipliers[2]  # Assume value is above 1

# Bayer alignment is RGGB:
# R G
# G B
# Apply white balancing to linear Bayer image.
balanced_bayer = lin_bayer.copy()
balanced_bayer[0::2, 0::2] = balanced_bayer[0::2, 0::2]*r_scale  # Red   (indices [0, 2, 4,... ; 0, 2, 4,... ])
balanced_bayer[0::2, 1::2] = balanced_bayer[0::2, 1::2]*g_scale  # Green (indices [0, 2, 4,... ; 1, 3, 5,... ])
balanced_bayer[1::2, 0::2] = balanced_bayer[1::2, 0::2]*g_scale  # Green (indices [1, 3, 5,... ; 0, 2, 4,... ])
balanced_bayer[1::2, 1::2] = balanced_bayer[1::2, 1::2]*b_scale  # Blue  (indices [1, 3, 5,... ; 0, 2, 4,... ])

# Clip to range [0, 1] for avoiding "pinkish highlights" (avoiding "magenta cast" in the highlights).
balanced_bayer = np.minimum(balanced_bayer, 1)

# Demosaicing:
temp = np.round((balanced_bayer*(2**16-1))).astype(np.uint16)  # Convert from double to np.uint16, because OpenCV demosaic() function requires a uint8 or uint16 input.
lin_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(temp, cv2.COLOR_BayerBG2RGB).astype(np.float64)/(2**16-1)  # Apply Demosaicing and convert back to np.float64 in range [0, 1] (is there a bug in OpenCV Bayer naming?).

# Color Space Conversion
xyz2cam = ColorMatrix  # ColorMatrix applies XYZ(D65) to CAM_rgb
rgb2cam = xyz2cam @ rgb2xyz

# Result:
# rgb2cam = [0.2619    0.1835    0.0252
#            0.0921    0.7620    0.2053
#            0.0195    0.1897    0.5379]

# Normalize rows to 1. MATLAB shortcut: rgb2cam = rgb2cam ./ repmat(sum(rgb2cam,2),1,3);

rows_sum = np.sum(rgb2cam, 1)
# Result:
# rows_sum = [0.4706
#             1.0593
#             0.7470]

# Divide element of every row by the sum of the row:
rgb2cam[0, :] = rgb2cam[0, :] / rows_sum[0]  # Divide top row
rgb2cam[1, :] = rgb2cam[1, :] / rows_sum[1]  # Divide center row
rgb2cam[2, :] = rgb2cam[2, :] / rows_sum[2]  # Divide bottom row
# Result (sum of every row is 1):
# rgb2cam = [0.5566    0.3899    0.0535
#            0.0869    0.7193    0.1938
#            0.0261    0.2539    0.7200]

cam2rgb = np.linalg.inv(rgb2cam)  # Invert matrix
# Result:
# cam2rgb = [ 1.9644   -1.1197    0.1553
#            -0.2412    1.6738   -0.4326
#             0.0139   -0.5498    1.5359]

r = lin_rgb[:, :, 0]
g = lin_rgb[:, :, 1]
b = lin_rgb[:, :, 2]

# Left multiply matrix cam2rgb by each RGB tuple (convert from "camera RGB" to "linear sRGB").
sr = cam2rgb[0, 0]*r + cam2rgb[0, 1]*g + cam2rgb[0, 2]*b
sg = cam2rgb[1, 0]*r + cam2rgb[1, 1]*g + cam2rgb[1, 2]*b
sb = cam2rgb[2, 0]*r + cam2rgb[2, 1]*g + cam2rgb[2, 2]*b

lin_srgb = np.dstack([sr, sg, sb])
lin_srgb = lin_srgb.clip(0, 1)  # Clip to range [0, 1]

# Convert from "Linear sRGB" to sRGB (apply gamma)
sRGB = lin2rgb(lin_srgb)  # lin2rgb MATLAB functions uses the exact formula [you may approximate it to power of (1/gamma)].

# Save to sRGB.png
cv2.imwrite('sRGB.png', cv2.cvtColor((sRGB*255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))




Python 结果:


  • 由于曝光度低(并且因为我们没有应用任何亮度校正),结果看起来很暗。