从空泡菜文件中解泡 Python 字典时出现 EOFerror

EOFerror in unpickling Python dictionary from an empty pickle file

非常新手程序员,如果这很愚蠢或者我的英语有误,请原谅。所以,我有我正在写的这个命令行地址簿。它由一个字典组成,该字典包含一个以键为名称变量的对象,每个对象都有与之关联的变量,例如人名,电子邮件等......它有效,但现在我正在尝试它使用 pickle 将字典持久存储在内存中。

def create_person():
    """Adds an instance object of the Person class to the dictionary persons. persons is a global variable, that has been created previously. DATA is a variable that points to a file named test.data that exists in the same directory as the script."""
    name = raw_input("Enter the person's name here: ")
    email = raw_input("Enter the person's email here: ")    
    phone = raw_input("Enter the person's phone here: ")
    address = raw_input("Enter the person's address here: ")
    f = open(DATA, "rb")
    persons = pickle.load(f) #assign whatever is saved in the dictionary in persistent memory to global variable persons, which is empty at this point in the beginning
    persons[name] = Person(name, email, phone, address)    
    f = open(DATA, "wb")
    pickle.dump(persons, f)


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "testpickle.py", line 85, in <module>
File "testpickle.py", line 40, in main
File "testpickle.py", line 20, in create_person
  persons = pickle.load(f)
File "/home/pedro/anaconda/lib/python2.7/pickle.py", line 1378, in load
  return Unpickler(file).load()
File "/home/pedro/anaconda/lib/python2.7/pickle.py", line 858, in load
File "/home/pedro/anaconda/lib/python2.7/pickle.py", line 880, in load_eof
  raise EOFError


我没有发现你的代码有什么明显的错误,但如果你只是想像这样存储 key/value 对,你可能应该使用 shelve 模块而不是 home-酿造溶液。

import shelve

persons = shelve.open(DATA)

def create_person():
    """Adds an instance object of the Person class to the dictionary persons. persons is a global variable, that has been created previously. DATA is a variable that points to a file named test.data that exists in the same directory as the script."""
    name = raw_input("Enter the person's name here: ")
    email = raw_input("Enter the person's email here: ")    
    phone = raw_input("Enter the person's phone here: ")
    address = raw_input("Enter the person's address here: ")
    persons[name] = Person(name, email, phone, address)    

while more_people:


pickle 点击 EOF 肯定会告诉文件已损坏(可能被截断,可能写入操作失败)。


这是您使用不可读格式和不注意其完整性的代价(例如 writing to another file and only moving it over the original one after saving succeeded)。


如果你想从一个新的 "empty"文件开始,然后处理文件丢失的情况并产生一个空的dict。毕竟,文件 最初应该丢失的,不是吗?

空文件不是有效的 pickle 数据(它必须至少包含有关对象类型的信息)。

这里是 "one obvious way" ((c) Python Zen) 来处理丢失的文件:

import errno    
try: f = open(DATA, "rb")
except IOError,e:
    if e[0]==errno.ENOENT: persons={}
    else: raise
    persons = pickle.load(f)
    del f