如何使用弹出对话框和 redux saga 等待成功登录 firebase

How do I wait for successful sign in with firebase using a popup dialoug and redux saga

我有一个弹出对话框,用户可以在其中登录。它可以工作,但是我希望对话框在关闭之前等到登录成功。我也在使用 Redux,我尝试在 emailSignInStart(email, password) 之前添加 await 但这不起作用。这是我的登录表格:

const SigninForm = ({ emailSignInStart, handleClose }) => {
    const { switchToSignup } = useContext(AccountContext);
    const [userCredentials, setCredentials] = useState({
        email: '',
        password: '',
    const { email, password } = userCredentials;

    const signIn = async event => {
        try {
            emailSignInStart(email, password);
            handleClose(); <---------------------- Don't call this until sign in successful
        } catch(error){

    const handleChange = event => {
        const { value, name } = event.target;
        setCredentials({ ...userCredentials, [name]: value });

    return <BoxContainer>
        <Marginer direction={'vertical'} margin={15} />
            <Input name={'email'} type={'email'} onChange={handleChange} placeholder={'Email'} />
            <Input name={'password'} type={'password'} onChange={handleChange} placeholder={'Password'} />
            <Marginer direction={'vertical'} margin={10} />
            <MutedLink href={'#'}>Forgot Password?</MutedLink>
            <Marginer direction={'vertical'} margin={'1.6em'} />
            <Submit type={'submit'} onClick={signIn}>Sign In</Submit>
            <Marginer direction={'vertical'} margin={'1em'} />
            <MutedLink href={'#'}>
                Don't have an account?
                <BoldLink href={'#'} onClick={switchToSignup}>Sign Up</BoldLink>

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
    emailSignInStart: (email, password) =>
        dispatch(emailSignInStart({ email, password })),

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(SigninForm);


export function* getSnapshotFromUserAuth(userAuth, additionalData) {
    try {
        const userRef = yield call(
        const userSnapshot = yield userRef.get();
        yield put(
            signInSuccess({ id: userSnapshot.id, ...userSnapshot.data() })
    } catch (error) {
        yield put(signInFailure(error.message));

export function* signInWithEmail({ payload: { email, password } }) {
    try {
        const { user } = yield auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
        yield getSnapshotFromUserAuth(user);
        return user;
    } catch (error) {
        yield put(signInFailure(error.message));

export function* onEmailSignInStart() {
    yield takeLatest(UserActionTypes.EMAIL_SIGN_IN_START, signInWithEmail);


export const emailSignInStart = emailAndPassword => ({
    type: UserActionTypes.EMAIL_SIGN_IN_START,
    payload: emailAndPassword,

export const signInSuccess = user => ({
    type: UserActionTypes.SIGN_IN_SUCCESS,
    payload: user,

export const signInFailure = error => ({
    type: UserActionTypes.SIGN_IN_FAILURE,
    payload: error,

我不知道为什么,但我成功了。我所做的只是删除 emailSignInStart(email, password); 之后的 handleClose 调用,一切正常。没有再调用关闭对话框的地方了,但是登录成功后还是关闭了