
A mistake causes the function to be rendered infinity

我试图在我的代码中添加一个按钮,通过单击它来更改数组的某些属性。为此,我使用了 Context 和 Reducer。但有个问题! 当我评论调度时,问题就解决了,函数只渲染一次。但是当我使用 Reducer 时,该函数会无限次渲染!请帮我 :( 值得一提的是,这个reducer已经在其他组件中使用过,但是没有出现过这个问题

App.js : (only reducer)

 const [goodsState, goodsDispatch] = useReducer(GoodsReducer, {
    goods: [
      {name : 'x', price : 126000, selected : false, key : 1},
      {name : 'y', price : 123000, selected : false, key : 2},
      {name : 'z', price : 126000, selected : false, key : 3},

Cart.js :

import React, { useContext } from "react";
import GoodsContext from "../Contexts/GoodsContext";

export default function Cart(){
  const goodsContext = useContext(GoodsContext);
  const selectItem = (key) => {
  goodsContext.goodsDispatch({ type: "buy-item", payload: { key: key } });

return (
        <button onClick={selectItem(selected[0].key)}>+</button>
        //some cod

GoodsReducer.js :

export default function GoodsReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "buy-item":
      return buyItem(state, action);

      return state;

const buyItem = (state, action) => {
  let key = action.payload.key;
  changedGoods.selected = true;
  const otherGoods = state.goods.filter((good) => good.key !== key);
  return {
    goods: [...otherGoods, changedGoods]

您必须向您的 onClick 添加回调:

onClick={() => selectItem(selected[0].key)}

否则将在每次渲染时调用 selectItem,从而导致渲染的无限循环。与useReducer无关。