递归回溯:Leetcode - 删除框 (Python)
Recurive Backtracking: Leet Code - Remove Boxes (Python)
我正在研究这个 leetcode:https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-boxes/ 并且我的答案对于某些测试用例只是略有偏差。如有任何建议,我们将不胜感激。
You are given several boxes with different colors represented by different positive numbers.
You may experience several rounds to remove boxes until there is no box left. Each time you can choose some continuous boxes with the same color (i.e., composed of k boxes, k >= >1), remove them and get k * k points.
Return the maximum points you can get.
示例 1:
Input: boxes = [1]
Output: 1 => (1*1)
示例 2:
Input: boxes = [1,1,1]
Output: 9 => (3*3)
示例 3:
Input: boxes = [1,3,2,2,2,3,4,3,1]
Output: 23
[1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1]
----> [1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1] (3*3=9 points)
----> [1, 3, 3, 3, 1] (1*1=1 points)
----> [1, 1] (3*3=9 points)
----> [] (2*2=4 points)
from copy import deepcopy as copy
class Solution:
# Main function
def backtrack(self, boxes, score, seen={}):
# Make list hashable
hashable = tuple(boxes)
if len(boxes) == 0:
return score
if hashable in seen:
return seen[hashable]
pos_scores = []
loop_start = 0
loop_end = len(boxes)
while(loop_start < loop_end):
# keep original boxes for original
box_copy = copy(boxes)
# Returns the continous from starting point
seq_start, seq_end = self.find_seq(box_copy, loop_start)
# Return the box array without the seqence, and the score from removal
new_boxes, new_score = self.remove_sequence(box_copy, seq_start, seq_end)
# Backtrack based off the new box list and new score
pos_scores.append(self.backtrack(box_copy, score+new_score, seen))
# Next iteration will use a fresh copy of the boxes
loop_start = seq_end
seen[hashable] = max(pos_scores)
return seen[hashable]
def remove_sequence(self, boxes, start, end):
rem_counter = 0
for i in range(start, end):
boxes.pop(i - rem_counter)
rem_counter += 1
dist = (end - start)
score = dist * dist
return boxes, score
def find_seq(self, boxes, start):
color = boxes[start]
end = start
for i in range(start, len(boxes)):
if boxes[i] == color:
end += 1
return start, end
def removeBoxes(self, boxes) -> int:
return self.backtrack(boxes, 0, {})
我的问题是我的代码适用于较小的示例,但不适用于较大的示例。我相信我的代码 almost 在那里,但我想我错过了一个边缘案例。任何提示将非常感谢。例如,我得到 [1,1,2,1,2] 以及大多数测试用例的正确答案。但是我对第三个例子的回答是 21,而不是 23。
根据@Armali 的评论,上述代码的解决方案是使用
hashable = tuple(boxes), score