IBM Semeru 和 Adoptium 之间有什么区别

What is the difference between IBM Semeru and Adoptium

我想更新我的 JDK,所以我去 AdoptOpenJDK 下载了一个。我看到他们搬到了Adoptium,所以我就过去了。在那里我看到没有选择 JVM 的选项,当我下载安装程序时,它是用于 Hotspot 的。我用谷歌搜索了一下,找到了 IBM Semeru。这些 JDKs/JVMs 不同吗?有没有比另一个快得多的?这有关系吗?

IBM 在 中讨论了两者之间的区别:

Eclipse Temurin delivers OpenJDK + Hotspot images, and IBM Semeru Runtimes going forward will deliver both Open and Certified (JCKed) versions of OpenJDK + Eclipse OpenJ9 images.

It is a confusing story and transition, I will try to add a bit of background. AdoptOpenJDK up until now was producing OpenJDK binaries with both Hotspot and OpenJ9 VM's. With Adopt's move to Eclipse, legal restrictions prevent the new Eclipse Adoptium group from producing/releasing OpenJ9 based binaries. As a result, IBM will be producing OpenJ9 based binaries in 2 flavours, Open and Certified, both under the family name IBM Semeru Runtimes. Essentially the same binaries, released under different licenses.

所以我想您想要查找的是 Hotspot 和 OpenJ9 之间的比较(我想它们之间的任何速度差异都会在某种程度上取决于工作负载,但是网上有很多文章已经完成了实际操作基准,例如