如何定义一个空的 "uninitialized" 键路径并稍后设置?

How to define an empty, "uninitialized" keypath and set it later?

我编写了一个程序来计算总浏览量 width/height(有时我想要总宽度,有时我想要总高度)。唯一的问题是:如果我正在计算宽度,我想在总数中添加一个额外的 10。这是我当前的代码:

func calculateLengthOfAllViews(calculatingWidth: Bool) {
    let views = [
        UIView(frame: CGRect.zero),
        UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50)),
        UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50))

    var totalLength: CGFloat = 0
    if calculatingWidth {
        totalLength += 10 /// add extra 10 if calculating width
    } else {
        totalLength += 0
    for view in views { /// add each view's width/height
        let length: CGFloat
        if calculatingWidth {
            length = view.frame.width
        } else {
            length = view.frame.height
        totalLength += length
    print("Total length is \(totalLength)")

calculateLengthOfAllViews(calculatingWidth: true) /// Total length is 160.0
calculateLengthOfAllViews(calculatingWidth: false) /// Total length is 100.0

这很好用。但是,我在 2 个地方重复 if calculatingWidth {,以确定:

  1. 是否添加额外的padding 10 padding
  2. 是否使用view.frame.widthview.frame.height作为长度

第二个 if 语句是不必要的,因为它在每次迭代中的计算结果总是相同的。

所以,我认为 keypaths 是可行的方法——我可以从第一个 if 语句中存储对 .width.height 的引用。但是,如何在不“初始化”的情况下定义键路径?我想做这样的事情:

let keyPath: KeyPath /// Reference to generic type 'KeyPath' requires arguments in <...>

if calculatingWidth {
    totalLength += 10
    keyPath = \UIView.frame.width
} else {
    totalLength += 0
    keyPath = \UIView.frame.height

for view in views {
    let length = view[keyPath: keyPath] /// Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
    totalLength += length

然而,这给了我 Reference to generic type 'KeyPath' requires arguments in <...>。我该如何解决这个问题?

class KeyPath<Root, Value>


let keyPath: KeyPath<UIView, CGFloat>


您在函数的开头使用了 if,并且在循环的 次迭代中使用了 if。我认为更好的方法是使用 reduce(into:_:) 来减少条件分支的数量。


func calculateLengthOfAllViews(calculatingWidth: Bool) {
    let views = [
        UIView(frame: CGRect.zero),
        UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50)),
        UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50))

    let totalLength: CGFloat

    if calculatingWidth {
        totalLength = views.reduce(10, { [=10=] + .frame.width })
    } else {
        totalLength = views.reduce(0, { [=10=] + .frame.height })

    print("Total length is \(totalLength)")