Dan Bernstein 的 Djb2 哈希函数:当我们只能乘以 33 时,为什么要使用按位运算符?

Djb2 hash function by Dan Bernstein : Why use bitwise operator when we can just multiply by 33?

在 Dan Bernstein 著名的 Djb2 哈希函数中,我发现最好使用按位运算符,但为什么要使用它而不是简单的乘法呢?是不是更快了?

(散列 << 5) + 散列 = 散列 * 33

// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
    // Djb2 hash function by Dan Bernstein
    unsigned long hash = 5381;
    int c;
    while ((c = *word++))
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + tolower(c); /* hash * 33 + c */

    return hash % N;

Why use bitwise operator when we can just multiply by 33?
but why use it over a simple multiplication ? Is it faster ?

BITD, compilers were not as smart and so it was often faster.


hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + tolower(c);
// or
hash = hash * 33u + tolower(c);



如果c < 0islower()就不是那么好定义了。


unsigned hash(const char *word) {
    const unsigned char *uword = (const unsigned char *) word;
    unsigned long hash = 5381u;
    int c;
    while ((c = *uword++)) 
        hash = hash*33u + (unsigned)tolower(c);
    return (unsigned) (hash % N);