TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int

TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int

我正在尝试使用 Twint 抓取 推文。目标是根据关键字获取推文并根据我提供的自定义格式打印它们。在将 twint 配置设置为 scrape 时,我遇到了以下错误

<ipython-input-19-dc1bb332d2a2> in <module>
      5 c.Limit = 1
      6 c.Pandas = True
----> 7 twint.run.Search(c)

14 frames
/content/twint/twint/format.py in Tweet(config, t)
     21         output = output.replace("{hashtags}", ",".join(t.hashtags))
     22         output = output.replace("{cashtags}", ",".join(t.cashtags))
---> 23         output = output.replace("{replies}", t.replies_count)
     24         output = output.replace("{retweets}", t.retweets_count)
     25         output = output.replace("{likes}", t.likes_count)

TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int


# Set up TWINT config
c = twint.Config()
import nest_asyncio
c.Search = "football"
# Custom output format

c.Format = "Username: {username} |  Tweet: {tweet}"
c.Limit = 1
c.Pandas = True

我检查了 format.py 并且 replace() 函数配置如下所示

def Tweet(config, t):
    if config.Format:
        output = config.Format.replace("{id}", t.id_str)
        output = output.replace("{conversation_id}", t.conversation_id)
        output = output.replace("{date}", t.datestamp)
        output = output.replace("{time}", t.timestamp)
        output = output.replace("{user_id}", t.user_id_str)
        output = output.replace("{username}", t.username)
        output = output.replace("{name}", t.name)
        output = output.replace("{place}", t.place)
        output = output.replace("{timezone}", t.timezone)
        output = output.replace("{urls}", ",".join(t.urls))
        output = output.replace("{photos}", ",".join(t.photos))
        output = output.replace("{video}", str(t.video))
        output = output.replace("{thumbnail}", t.thumbnail)
        output = output.replace("{tweet}", t.tweet)
        output = output.replace("{language}", t.lang)
        output = output.replace("{hashtags}", ",".join(t.hashtags))
        output = output.replace("{cashtags}", ",".join(t.cashtags))
        output = output.replace("{replies}", t.replies_count)
        output = output.replace("{retweets}", t.retweets_count)
        output = output.replace("{likes}", t.likes_count)
        output = output.replace("{link}", t.link)
        output = output.replace("{is_retweet}", str(t.retweet))
        output = output.replace("{user_rt_id}", str(t.user_rt_id))
        output = output.replace("{quote_url}", t.quote_url)
        output = output.replace("{near}", t.near)
        output = output.replace("{geo}", t.geo)
        output = output.replace("{mentions}", ",".join(t.mentions))
        output = output.replace("{translate}", t.translate)
        output = output.replace("{trans_src}", t.trans_src)
        output = output.replace("{trans_dest}", t.trans_dest)
        output = f"{t.id_str} {t.datestamp} {t.timestamp} {t.timezone} 


第二个参数需要是 str,而不是 int


output = output.replace("{replies}", str(t.replies_count))