LibreOffice Calc Python UDF 的基本包装器

Basic Wrapper for LibreOffice Calc Python UDF

如何使用非整数电子表格范围形成对 运行 LibreOffice Calc Python 用户定义函数的 Basic 包装器调用?

我不清楚如何为 valuesexcel_date 数组正确声明函数,这两个数组都是实数数组,在我理解的基本术语中键入 Variant。

我关注了Calling a python function from within LibreCalc and ranges can be passed as integer arguments without defining them but these are real values. Both arrays are single-dimension so the multi-dimensional array issues do not apply as discussed in How can I call a Python macro in a cell formula in OpenOffice.Org Calc?


Function xnpv_helper(rate as Double, values() as Variant, excel_date() as Variant) as Double
    Dim scriptPro As Object, myScript As Object
    scriptPro = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
    myScript = scriptPro.getScript("$xnpv_helper?language=Python&location=user")
    xnpv_helper = myScript.invoke(Array(rate, values, excel_date), Array(), Array() )
end function


Date    Amount  Rate    xnpv
31/12/19    100 -0.1    
31/12/20    -110

xnpv_helper 在底部。实际 python 脚本基于 from financial python library that has xirr and xnpv function?

# Demo will run in python REPL - uncomment last line
import scipy.optimize


def xnpv(valuesPerDate, rate):
    '''Calculate the irregular net present value.

    >>> from datetime import date
    >>> valuesPerDate = {date(2019, 12, 31): -100, date(2020, 12, 31): 110}
    >>> xnpv(valuesPerDate, -0.10)
    if rate == -1.0:
        return float('inf')
    t0 = min(valuesPerDate.keys())
    if rate <= -1.0:
        return sum([-abs(vi) / (-1.0 - rate)**((ti - t0).days / DAYS_PER_YEAR) for ti, vi in valuesPerDate.items()])
    return sum([vi / (1.0 + rate)**((ti - t0).days / DAYS_PER_YEAR) for ti, vi in valuesPerDate.items()])

from datetime import date
def excel2date(excel_date):
    return date.fromordinal(date(1900, 1, 1).toordinal() + int(excel_date) - 2)

def xnpv_helper(rate, values, excel_date):
    dates = [excel2date(i) for i in excel_date]
    valuesPerDate = dict(zip(dates, values))
    return xnpv(valuesPerDate, rate)

# valuesPerDate = {date(2019, 12, 31): -100, date(2020, 12, 31): 110}
# xnpv_helper(-0.10, [-100, 110], [43830.0, 44196.0])

感谢 @arturaz for explaining the Basic array comes to python as a tuple and needs converting to a list (best match for an array in python). Further details are given in his answer at 建立在问题和其他答案的基础上。

A​​PSO python 控制台显示:

  1. 什么从 Basic 解析为 python
  2. 需要什么
  3. 需要带日期格式的数据
APSO python console [LibreOffice]
3.8.10 (default, Aug 10 2021, 19:39:20) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
1: ((43830.0,), (44196.0,)) ((100.0,), (-110.0,)) -0.1
2: [43830.0, 44196.0] [-100, 110] -0.1
3: {, 12, 31): -100,, 12, 31): 110} -0.1

这两个数组在 python 辅助函数中使用之前被重新格式化:

def xnpv_helper(rate, values, excel_date):
    excel_date0 = [a for b in excel_date for a in b]
    values0 = [a for b in values for a in b]
    dates = [excel2date(i) for i in excel_date0]
    valuesPerDate = dict(zip(dates, values0))
    return xnpv(valuesPerDate, rate)