Cakephp - 如何使用关联模型从其他模型获取数据?

Cakephp - How to get data from other model using associated model?

如何加入两个模型 table 以根据 user_id 获取用户名?

likesTable.php - id | post_id | user_id

              1      5     23

postTable.php - id | like_id | user_id |内容

               5     1    23    Hello

userTable.php - id | user_name |

               23  sample_name


   $this->paginate = [
        'contain' => ['Users', 'Likes'],
    $posts = $this->paginate($this->posts);

蛋糕 PHP 视图中的变量

 'likes' => object(App\Model\Entity\likes) id:4 {
 'id' => (int) 1
 'post_id' => (int) 5
 'user_id' => (int) 23   ***I want to get user name from this ID***

在容器中添加喜欢的用户 (Likes.Users)

$this->paginate = [
        'contain' => ['Users', 'Likes.Users'],