为什么我们称使用 "new" 关键字创建的内存为 "dynamic memory" 因为它也是固定内存

Why we call memory created using "new" keyword "dynamic memory" since it is also a fixed memory

这样创建的数组 int a[5] 包含 5 个整数内存块,内存在运行时无法更改。 这样创建的数组int *ptr=new int[5]也包含5个整数块,在这种情况下也无法在运行时增加和减少内存,因此,从这个角度来看它被称为动态内存。

口语化的术语“动态内存”来自语言定义的术语“动态存储持续时间”。见 Storage duration :

dynamic storage duration. The storage for the object is allocated and deallocated per request by using dynamic memory allocation functions. See new-expression for details on initialization of objects with this storage duration.

使用 newnew[] 创建并使用 deletedelete[] 销毁的对象具有动态存储持续时间。



#include <iostream>

int main()
    int size;
    int array1[size]; //compile error, the size of static array must be known at compile time
    int* parr=new int[size]; //ok, size of an dynamic array can be unveiled on runtime.
