练习创建函数和传递参数 |尝试在 querySelectors 上使用参数时获取 null

Practising on creating functions and passing params | Getting null when trying to use params on querySelectors

我是 Javascript 的新手,我正在练习函数和参数,当我尝试使用函数对 DOM 进行一些更改时,我“碰壁了”,方法是将参数传入那些可以完成这项工作的功能。 在浏览器的控制台中,我得到:

Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null
classAdder script.js:25
<anonymous> script.js:48



// Function decleration
function createArticle(h1, p) {
  let art = document.createElement("article");
  let data = document.createTextNode("<h1>" + [h1] + "</h1><p>" + [p] + "</p>");
  return art;

// Arrow Function
const byTagElementAdder = (whereadd, whatadd) => {
  document.getElementsByTagName(CSS.escape(whereadd)).innerHTML = whatadd;

// Function expression
const classAdder = function (element, classname) {
    .setAttribute("class", CSS.escape(classname));

// Arrow function
const styleAdder = (element, style) => {
    .setAttribute("style", CSS.escape(style));

// Using the functions
// Creating new article
const firstArt = createArticle(
  "The H title",
  "The paragraph lorem ipsum bla bla"

// adding article in body
byTagElementAdder("body", firstArt);

// adding some style and class
classAdder(firstArt, "art");
styleAdder(firstArt, "width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 2rem 0 ;");


  1. 您收到此错误的原因 Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null 是因为您使用的 CSS.escape 需要一个字符串,但您传递的是 dom 元素。所以你可以直接在元素上使用 .setAttribute
  2. 您的 byTagElementAdder 函数试图将 innerHTML 插入数组。我已将其切换为引用数组的第一个元素并使用 appendChild 函数代替
  3. 在您的 createArticle 函数中,您使用的是 createTextNode,但我认为您会希望对 h1p1 标记使用 creatElement正如您对 article 元素所做的那样。


function createArticle(h1, p) {
  let art = document.createElement("article");
    // this creates text as opposed to the h1 and p elements, which is what I think yu want  
  let data = document.createTextNode("<h1>" + [h1] + "</h1><p>" + [p] + "</p>");
  return art;

// Arrow Function
const byTagElementAdder = (whereadd, whatadd) => {
    // getElementsByTagName returns an array so you want to choose a value within it

// Function expression
const classAdder = function (element, classname) {
    //once you pass in an element you don't need to use document.querySelector, you already have the document   
    .setAttribute("class", CSS.escape(classname));

// Arrow function
const styleAdder = (element, style) => {
  //once you pass in an element you don't need to use document.querySelector, you already have the document 
    .setAttribute("style", CSS.escape(style));

// Using the functions
// Creating new article
const firstArt = createArticle(
  "The H title",
  "The paragraph lorem ipsum bla bla"

// adding article in body
byTagElementAdder("body", firstArt);

// adding some style and class
classAdder(firstArt, "art");
styleAdder(firstArt, "width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 2rem 0 ;");
