如何获取我的 PowerShell 脚本删除文件的时间和日期

How can I get the time and date my PowerShell script deletes a file


$targetFolder = "D:\" $fileList = "C:\DeleteList.txt" Get-ChildItem
-Path "$targetFolder\*" -Recurse -Include @(Get-Content $fileList) | Remove-Item -Verbose



然后可以将此输出另存为结构化 CSV 文件

$targetFolder = "D:\" 
$fileList     = Get-Content -Path "C:\DeleteList.txt" 

$deleted = Get-ChildItem -Path $targetFolder -Recurse -Include $fileList | ForEach-Object {
    # output an object with the current date and the file FullName
    $_ | Select-Object @{Name = 'DeletedOn'; Expression = {(Get-Date)}}, FullName
    $_ | Remove-Item -WhatIf

# output on screen
$deleted | Format-Table -AutoSize

# output to csv file
$deleted | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\RemovedFiles.csv' -NoTypeInformation

如果您对屏幕上显示的结果满意,请移除 -WhatIf 安全开关。


$targetFolder = "D:" 
$fileList = "C:\DeleteList.txt" 
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder" -Recurse -Include @(Get-Content $fileList)

# Once you have the desires files stored in the $Files variable, then run a Foreach loop. 

$Obj = @() # create an array called $Obj
Foreach ($File in $Files)
    # store info in hash table
    $hash = @{
        DateTime = (get-date)
        fileName = $File.name
        fullpath = $File.fullname
    Write-Host "deleting file $($file.name)" -for cyan
    Remove-Item $File.fullname # *** BE VERY CAREFUL!!!***

    # record information in an array called $Obj
    $Obj += New-Object psobject -Property $hash

$Obj | select fileName, DateTime | Export-csv C:\...