
Why APK could not be installed after Smali patching?

这是 TestClassMainActivity

为了始终显示 Toast,我更改了 TestClass constructor 使用 smali 补丁 到以下:




iput-boolean p1, p0, Lcom/example/test1/TestClass;->testB:Z

if-nez p1, :cond_0

const/4 p1, 0x1

iput-boolean p1, p0, Lcom/example/test1/TestClass;->testB:Z



1772  1772 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<

1772  1772 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF

1772  1772 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat

1772  1772 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)

1772  1772 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2

1772  1772 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE

1772  1772 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm

1594  1606 D DefContainer: Copying /data/local/tmp/app-release_SIGNED_UNALIGNED.apk to base.apk

 637   662 D NativeLibraryHelper: Library 'libtoolChecker.so' is not page-aligned - will not be able to open it directly from apk.

 637   662 W NativeHelper: Failure copying native libraries [errorCode=-2]

 637   662 I art     : Starting a blocking GC Explicit

 637   662 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 34438(1881KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 6MB/9MB, paused 267us total 14.270ms

1772  1772 I art     : System.exit called, status: 1

1772  1772 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 1.


使用处理 v2 签名的 zipalign and (if not already) sign using apksigner 对齐 APK 文件,这是一项附加要求。


您的 logcat 中有两次提到对齐,这强烈表明您的 APK 文件未对齐。由于Android 11,有一个requirement APK文件包含一个未压缩的resources.asrc文件,它在文件中对齐到4个字节。

通过 ADB 复制问题,我使用了以下内容:

# 1) Install the original APK file
adb install original.apk

# 2) Decode the original APK file, decompiling into Smali
apktool decode --output original original.apk

# 3) Apply the logic patch
patch -p1 < switch.patch

# 4) Rebuild an APK file with the patch
apktool build --output rebuilt.apk original

# 5) Sign the rebuilt APK file
jarsigner -keystore keystore -storepass password rebuilt.apk key0

# 6) Attempt installation of the rebuilt APK file
adb install -r rebuilt.apk


adb: failed to install rebuilt.apk: Failure [-124: Failed parse during installPackageLI: Targeting R+ (version 30 and above) requires the resources.arsc of installed APKs to be stored uncompressed and aligned on a 4-byte boundary]

我的第一个想法是在使用 jarsigner 对 APK 进行签名后简单地使用 zipalign,如下所示:

# 1) Install the original APK file
adb install original.apk

# 2) Decode the original APK file, decompiling into Smali
apktool decode --output original original.apk

# 3) Apply the logic patch
patch -p1 < switch.patch

# 4) Rebuild an APK file with the patch
apktool build --output rebuilt.apk original

# 5) Sign the rebuilt APK file
jarsigner -keystore keystore -storepass password rebuilt.apk key0

# 6) Create an aligned APK file
zipalign 4 rebuilt.apk rebuilt-aligned.apk

# 7) Attempt installation of the rebuilt APK file
adb install -r rebuilt-aligned.apk


adb: failed to install rebuilt-aligned.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Scanning Failed.: No signature found in package of version 2 or newer for package au.com.msbit.a68855123]

这表明还有一个 requirement 和 Android 11; APK 文件使用 v2 签名方案进行签名,这需要 apksigner。将两者放在一起,就像下面的作品:

# 1) Install the original APK file
adb install original.apk

# 2) Decode the original APK file, decompiling into Smali
apktool decode --output original original.apk

# 3) Apply the logic patch
patch -p1 < switch.patch

# 4) Rebuild an APK file with the patch
apktool build --output rebuilt.apk original

# 5) Create an aligned APK file
zipalign 4 rebuilt.apk rebuilt-aligned.apk

# 6) Sign the rebuilt APK file
apksigner sign --ks keystore --ks-pass pass:password rebuilt-aligned.apk

# 7) Attempt installation of the rebuilt APK file
adb install -r rebuilt-aligned.apk

apksigner 的文档中所述,在对 APK 文件进行任何修改后,它必须是 运行,因此,与使用 jarsigner 时的顺序相反, zipalign 必须在 运行 之前 apksigner.