
Speak function isn't working in this command

为什么 speak() 函数在此命令中不起作用? 我想同时使用 print 和 speak of random results。 不知道为什么会说“none”。

 elif 'how are you' in query:
         results = print(random.choice(["I'am Fine, Thanks for asking. I hope you're fine too.\n Let me know if I can help you with something", "I'am Good, Thanks. What can I do for you?", "I am great, thanks for asking", "How may I help you?" ]))
         speak(f" {results}")

问题是printreturnsNone,分配给了results。所以它间接地做 results = None 然后说出来。


results = random.choice(["I'am Fine, Thanks for asking. I hope you're fine too.\n Let me know if I can help you with something", "I'am Good, Thanks. What can I do for you?", "I am great, thanks for asking", "How may I help you?" ])


speak(f" {results}")