I want two list boxes to show items that correspond to each other
我有两个列表框,一个是单词,另一个是数字。在我用作示例的代码中,我对其进行了简化,以便第一个列表框具有从 a 到 j 的字母列表,然后重复此列表,但这些字母旁边有一个数字。第二个列表框只有数字。现在我希望能够键入 'a' 并显示列表 1 中以 'a' 开头的项目,然后在第二个列表框中显示与列表框 1 中的项目相对应的数字。比如a应该有1对应,b应该有2,以此类推。我已经想出如何让第一个列表框显示所有以我键入的字母开头的项目,但我不知道如何让第二个列表框显示与这些项目一起的数字。
from tkinter import *
win = Tk()
win.resizable(False, False)
dummylist2 = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18'
, '19', '20']
dummylist1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'a2', 'b1', 'c5', 'd3', 'e8', 'f9', 'g10', 'h4'
, 'i6', 'j7']
searchcounter = 0
entercounter = 0
def characterpressedfunction(e): # sets up the function of the b button when it is pressed
nlist = list(filter(lambda x: x.lower().startswith(nsearchentry.get()),
dummylist1)) # removes all words that don't start with the
# character that the user typed in
alphabetlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in nlist: # loops though the list
alphabetlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
alphabetlist = Listbox(win, width=20, font=('Arial', 15))
numberlist = Listbox(win, width=20, font=('Arial', 15))
alphabetlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in dummylist1: # loops though the list
alphabetlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
numberlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in dummylist2: # loops though the list
numberlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
nsearchentry = Entry(win, width=2, font=('Arial', 15))
nsearchentry.bind("<KeyRelease>", characterpressedfunction)
numberlist.place(relx=.4, rely=.2)
alphabetlist.place(relx=.1, rely=.2)
nsearchentry.place(relx=.3, rely=.7)
一个元组列表(alpha, number)如下:
def characterpressedfunction(e):
srch = nsearchentry.get()
nlist = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith(srch), zip(dummylist1, dummylist2)))
alphabetlist.delete(0, END)
numberlist.delete(0, END)
for a,n in nlist: # loops through the filtered list
alphabetlist.insert(END, a)
numberlist.insert(END, n)
srch = nsearchentry.get()
nlist = [(a,n) for a,n in zip(dummylist1, dummylist2) if a.lower().startswith(srch)]
或者甚至删除 nlist
的创建并只使用 for 循环:
def characterpressedfunction(e):
alphabetlist.delete(0, END)
numberlist.delete(0, END)
srch = nsearchentry.get()
for a,n in zip(dummylist1, dummylist2):
if a.lower().startswith(srch):
alphabetlist.insert(END, a)
numberlist.insert(END, n)
我有两个列表框,一个是单词,另一个是数字。在我用作示例的代码中,我对其进行了简化,以便第一个列表框具有从 a 到 j 的字母列表,然后重复此列表,但这些字母旁边有一个数字。第二个列表框只有数字。现在我希望能够键入 'a' 并显示列表 1 中以 'a' 开头的项目,然后在第二个列表框中显示与列表框 1 中的项目相对应的数字。比如a应该有1对应,b应该有2,以此类推。我已经想出如何让第一个列表框显示所有以我键入的字母开头的项目,但我不知道如何让第二个列表框显示与这些项目一起的数字。
from tkinter import *
win = Tk()
win.resizable(False, False)
dummylist2 = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18'
, '19', '20']
dummylist1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'a2', 'b1', 'c5', 'd3', 'e8', 'f9', 'g10', 'h4'
, 'i6', 'j7']
searchcounter = 0
entercounter = 0
def characterpressedfunction(e): # sets up the function of the b button when it is pressed
nlist = list(filter(lambda x: x.lower().startswith(nsearchentry.get()),
dummylist1)) # removes all words that don't start with the
# character that the user typed in
alphabetlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in nlist: # loops though the list
alphabetlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
alphabetlist = Listbox(win, width=20, font=('Arial', 15))
numberlist = Listbox(win, width=20, font=('Arial', 15))
alphabetlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in dummylist1: # loops though the list
alphabetlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
numberlist.delete(0, END) # clears the alphabetlist
for item in dummylist2: # loops though the list
numberlist.insert(END, item) # moves each individual item from the list into the listbox
# as the list gets looped
nsearchentry = Entry(win, width=2, font=('Arial', 15))
nsearchentry.bind("<KeyRelease>", characterpressedfunction)
numberlist.place(relx=.4, rely=.2)
alphabetlist.place(relx=.1, rely=.2)
nsearchentry.place(relx=.3, rely=.7)
一个元组列表(alpha, number)如下:
def characterpressedfunction(e):
srch = nsearchentry.get()
nlist = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith(srch), zip(dummylist1, dummylist2)))
alphabetlist.delete(0, END)
numberlist.delete(0, END)
for a,n in nlist: # loops through the filtered list
alphabetlist.insert(END, a)
numberlist.insert(END, n)
srch = nsearchentry.get()
nlist = [(a,n) for a,n in zip(dummylist1, dummylist2) if a.lower().startswith(srch)]
或者甚至删除 nlist
的创建并只使用 for 循环:
def characterpressedfunction(e):
alphabetlist.delete(0, END)
numberlist.delete(0, END)
srch = nsearchentry.get()
for a,n in zip(dummylist1, dummylist2):
if a.lower().startswith(srch):
alphabetlist.insert(END, a)
numberlist.insert(END, n)