通过 DOM 设置 src 与比较 src 值
Setting src through DOM vs Comparing src values
我有一个像这样的 img 标签
<img id="fish" src="">
然后我通过 setInterval 函数随机设置和更改了 img 的 src
var randFish = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if(randFish == 0) document.getElementById('fish').src = "images/fish.png";
else if(randFish == 1) document.getElementById('fish').src = "images/fishbone.png";
这段代码运行良好,图像路径已成功添加到 src,但是当我尝试比较此 src 是否等于该路径时,它 returns false always
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src == "images/fish.png"); //output: false
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src == "images/fishbone.png"); //output: false
当我尝试在控制台中 return src
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src); //output: file:///C:User/Desktop/.../images/fishbone.png
以这种方式使用图像路径进行比较是可行的,但为什么会发生这种情况,是否有比使用整个路径(如 "file:///C:User/Desktop/.../images/fishbone.png
const img_ = document.getElementById('img_');
img_.fish_ = ['fish.png', 'fishbone.png'];
img_.path_ = 'images/';
img_.change_ = function(){
let random_ = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.fish_.length);
img_.src = `${this.path_}${this.fish_[random_]}`;
console.clear(); console.log(img_.src);
<img id="img_" src="" />
<button onclick="img_.change_();">Randomly change fish</button>
/ = Root directory
. = This location
.. = Up a directory
./ = Current directory
../ = Parent of current directory
../../ = Two directories backwards
属性 return 元素的完整 url。您要查找的是 src
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').getAttribute('src') == "images/fish.png");
哪个应该 return true
我有一个像这样的 img 标签
<img id="fish" src="">
然后我通过 setInterval 函数随机设置和更改了 img 的 src
var randFish = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if(randFish == 0) document.getElementById('fish').src = "images/fish.png";
else if(randFish == 1) document.getElementById('fish').src = "images/fishbone.png";
这段代码运行良好,图像路径已成功添加到 src,但是当我尝试比较此 src 是否等于该路径时,它 returns false always
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src == "images/fish.png"); //output: false
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src == "images/fishbone.png"); //output: false
当我尝试在控制台中 return src
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').src); //output: file:///C:User/Desktop/.../images/fishbone.png
以这种方式使用图像路径进行比较是可行的,但为什么会发生这种情况,是否有比使用整个路径(如 "file:///C:User/Desktop/.../images/fishbone.png
const img_ = document.getElementById('img_');
img_.fish_ = ['fish.png', 'fishbone.png'];
img_.path_ = 'images/';
img_.change_ = function(){
let random_ = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.fish_.length);
img_.src = `${this.path_}${this.fish_[random_]}`;
console.clear(); console.log(img_.src);
<img id="img_" src="" />
<button onclick="img_.change_();">Randomly change fish</button>
/ = Root directory
. = This location
.. = Up a directory
./ = Current directory
../ = Parent of current directory
../../ = Two directories backwards
属性 return 元素的完整 url。您要查找的是 src
console.log(document.getElementById('fish').getAttribute('src') == "images/fish.png");
哪个应该 return true