iOS 6 Runtime headers 使用其包标识符打开应用程序的方法[Non-jailbreak]

iOS 6 Runtime headers method to open an application using its bundle identifier[Non-jailbreak]

我想使用 iOS 6 运行时 headers 方法通过其包标识符以编程方式打开应用程序。我已经在 iOS 7 和 8 中完成了此操作,但我在 iOS 6 中找不到任何合适的方法。请指导我该怎么做。请记住,我正在为企业应用程序实现此功能。

iOS7 和 8

if ([self checkOSVersion] >= 7)
    Class LSApplicationWorkspace_class = objc_getClass("LSApplicationWorkspace");
    NSObject* workspace = [LSApplicationWorkspace_class performSelector:@selector(defaultWorkspace)];

    BOOL result = [[workspace performSelector:@selector(openApplicationWithBundleID:) withObject:appIdentifier] boolValue];        

我认为如果不使用 URL 方案

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openUrl:[NSURL urlWithString:@"yourUrlScheme://"]];


你可以找到一些URL方案的列表here or here 对于其他应用程序,您必须提取 .ipa。这是一种方法(来自 that SO answer):

So I went to iTunes on my mac and looked in my App Library for the "APP IN QUESTION".

I then: • Right-Clicked on the "APP IN QUESTION" app and selected “Show in Finder”

• then duplicated the "APP IN QUESTION" .ipa file

• Then I renamed the .ipa file to end in .zip instead (saying, yes make it a .zip if necessary)

• Then I unzipped it to a folder

• I opened the Payload Folder

• I right-clicked the “"APP IN QUESTION".app” and selected “Show Package Contents”

• I opened up the “Info.plist” file in a text editor like the free

• I searched for “URL” and found the following:


I was then able to successfully go to Safari and type in: app-in-question:// and sslapp-in-question:// and was prompted if I wanted to launch the App in Question.



void* sbServices = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpringBoardServices.framework/SpringBo‌​ardServices", RTLD_LAZY);
int (*SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier)(CFStringRef identifier, Boolean suspended) = dlsym(sbServices, "SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier");
int result = SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier((CFStringRef)bundleId, false);