Atlassian Forge:我在哪里可以找到触发函数的类型定义

Atlassian Forge: Where do I find type definitions for a trigger function

当我创建一个新应用程序作为产品触发器时,我得到一个 index.jsx 看起来像:

export async function run(event, context) {
    console.log('Hello World!');

我可以将 index.jsx 重命名为 tsx,该文件被视为 Typescript 文件,但是我在哪里可以找到 èventcontext 的定义?

我从 Atlassian 工作人员那里得到了以下答案:

we don’t have TS definitions for the event and context in code, but you can find some more detail about the payload for different product events at

You could also try console.log the event and context functions and use the forge logs command to see what information there is.
