H2O AutoML - 如何提供权重

H2O AutoML - how to provide weights

这是我的示例,其中 Default 日期设置来自 ISLR 包。数据不平衡,所以我重新平衡它和 运行 H2O AutoML 仅使用 GBM。

core_count <- detectCores()
h2o.init(nthreads = (core_count -1))

my_df <- Default
x <- setdiff(colnames(df_train), 'default')
y <- 'default'
    my_df %<>% mutate(weights = if_else(default =='No',

aml_test <- h2o.automl(x = x, y = y,
                  training_frame = as.h2o(my_df[1:8000, ]),
                  validation_frame = as.h2o(my_df[8001:10000, ]),
                  nfolds = 0, 
                  weights_column = "weights",
                  include_algos = c('GBM'),
                  seed = 12345,
                  max_runtime_secs = 1200)


        09:46:49.611: Skipping training of model GBM_1_AutoML_20210821_094649 due to exception:
     water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument(s) for GBM model:
     GBM_1_AutoML_20210821_094649.  Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
    small to split for min_rows=1.0: must have at least 2.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 
    09:46:49.622: Skipping training of model GBM_2_AutoML_20210821_094649 due to exception:
 water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument(s) for GBM model: 
GBM_2_AutoML_20210821_094649.  Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
small to split for min_rows=10.0: must have at least 20.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 
    09:46:49.630: Skipping training of model GBM_3_AutoML_20210821_094649 due to exception: 
water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument(s) for GBM model: 
GBM_3_AutoML_20210821_094649.  Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
small to split for min_rows=10.0: must have at least 20.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 

    09:46:49.637: Skipping training of model GBM_4_AutoML_20210821_094649 due to exception: 
water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument(s) for GBM model: 
GBM_4_AutoML_20210821_094649.  Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
small to split for min_rows=10.0: must have at least 20.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 

    09:46:49.644: Skipping training of model GBM_5_AutoML_20210821_094649 due to exception: 
water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument(s) for GBM model: 
GBM_5_AutoML_20210821_094649.  Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
small to split for min_rows=100.0: must have at least 200.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 

      |===================================================================================| 100%

       09:49:50.241: Empty leaderboard.

    AutoML was not able to build any model within a max runtime constraint of 1200 seconds,
 you may want to increase this value before retrying.The leaderboard contains zero models: 
try running AutoML for longer (the default is 1 hour).

基本上,只要提供 类 的权重,它就不适用于 GBM。它在没有重量的情况下工作正常。它甚至没有 运行 整整 20 分钟。没有生成模型。


Details: ERRR on field: _min_rows: The dataset size is too 
small to split for min_rows=10.0: must have at least 20.0 (weighted) rows, but have only 

您似乎需要增加权重值 and/or 增加行数。尝试将体重列乘以 10 或 100 倍,看看是否有帮助。我怀疑如果您尝试将权重列设置为所有列,这不会成为问题。