如何使用 Python 修改 tsv 文件列

How to modify a tsv-file column with Python

我有一个 GFF3 文件(主要是一个有 9 列的 TSV 文件),我试图在我的文件的第一列中进行一些更改,以覆盖对文件本身的修改。

GFF3 文件如下所示:

## GFF3 file
## replicon1
## replicon2
replicon_1  prokka  gene    0   15  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon_1  prokka  gene    40  61  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon_2  prokka  gene    8   32  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;
replicon_2  prokka  gene    70  98  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;


import os
import re
import argparse
import pandas as pd

def myfunc() -> tuple:
    ap.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="path to file")
    ap.add_argument("-i", "--input_word",help="Symbol to delete")
    ap.add_argument("-o", "--output_word", help="Symbol to insert")
    return ap.parse_args()
args = myfunc()
my_file = args.file
in_char = args.input_word
out_char = args.output_word

with open (my_file, 'r+') as f:
    rawfl = f.read()
    rawfl = re.sub(in_char, out_char, rawfl)


## GFF3 file
## replicon1
## replicon2
replicon@1  prokka  gene    0   15  .   @   .   ID=some@gene@1;
replicon@1  prokka  gene    40  61  .   @   .   ID=some@gene@1;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    8   32  .   @   .   ID=some@gene@2;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    70  98  .   @   .   ID=some@gene@2;

如您所见,“@”中的“_”全部被改掉了。 我尝试使用 pandas 修改脚本,以便仅将修改应用于第一列(seqid,如下所示):

with open (my_file, 'r+') as f:
    genomic_dataframe = pd.read_csv(f, sep="\t", names=['seqid', 'source', 'type', 'start', 'end', 'score', 'strand', 'phase', 'attributes'])
    id = genomic_dataframe.seqid
    id = str(id) #this is used because re.sub expects strings, not dataframe
    id = re.sub(in_char, out_char, genid)

我没有得到预期的结果,但是像 seqid 列(正确修改)被添加到文件但没有被覆盖并尊重原始结果。


## GFF3 file
## replicon1
## replicon2
replicon@1  prokka  gene    0   15  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@1  prokka  gene    40  61  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    8   32  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    70  98  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;

其中“@”符号仅出现在第一列,而“_”保留在第 9 列。


您可以将 re.sub 与以 ^(字符串的开头)开头的模式一起使用 + 在 re.sub 中使用 lambda 函数。例如:

import re

# change only first column:
r = re.compile(r"^(.*?)(?=\s)")

in_char = "_"
out_char = "@"

with open("input_file.txt", "r") as f_in, open("output_file.txt", "w") as f_out:
    for line in map(str.strip, f_in):
        # skip empty lines and lines starting with ##
        if not line or line.startswith("##"):
            print(line, file=f_out)

        line = r.sub(lambda g: g.group(1).replace(in_char, out_char), line)
        print(line, file=f_out)

创建 output_file.txt:

## GFF3 file
## replicon1
## replicon2
replicon@1  prokka  gene    0   15  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@1  prokka  gene    40  61  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    8   32  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    70  98  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;


with open('f') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

for line in lines:
    # Ignore comments
    if line[0] == '#':
    line = line.replace('_', '@', 1)

这将 return 其中包含

## GFF3 file
## replicon1
## replicon2
replicon@1  prokka  gene    0   15  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@1  prokka  gene    40  61  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_1;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    8   32  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;
replicon@2  prokka  gene    70  98  .   @   .   ID=some_gene_2;